Junior Sarah Street on Scotland, School and Culture Communications·February 25, 2016When we landed in Scotland, we were met with everything we first expected: dark clouds, chilly winds, and...Experiential EducationUpper School
Emily Perez Creates 30 Poems in 30 Days Communications·February 1, 2016Emily Perez has never believed in “waiting around for the muse.” Instead, when it comes to writing, the...AcademicsOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Sisters Share Victories at CA Communications·December 21, 2015Craig Ponzio is a man of his word, evidenced by the promise he kept fifteen years ago, and...FeaturedUpper School
Bringing NaNoWriMo to CA Communications·December 19, 2015The setting is Raether Library, the time is evening, and the scene consists of students, sprawled in their...Middle SchoolUpper School
Learning Through Photography Communications·December 18, 2015“I really got to know Spain through my camera,” says Abel Ramirez, slightly hiding a smile. Sitting under...ArtsUpper School
Students Convert School Bus into Tiny House Communications·December 18, 2015A longtime CA faculty member once told teacher Katy Hills, “We can be the school with the best...AcademicsUpper School
Building on a Foundation of Language Heritage Communications·October 26, 2015Here’s a dilemma. What language course do you take if you’re raised speaking Spanish at home and speak...AcademicsEditor's PicksMiddle SchoolUpper School
Young Thespian: Acting is the Reality of Doing Renee Rockford·October 26, 2015Young Thespian: Acting is the Reality of Doing Fortunately, Justin Ferrugia isn’t anything like Count Orsino, the character...ArtsUpper School
Summer Travels for Faculty, Staff and Students Offer Powerful Experiences Communications·September 1, 2015By Sue Counterman, Middle School Science teacher Summer travel, exchange programs, and professional development that took Colorado Academy...Experiential EducationMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Student Reflections on Argentina Communications·June 30, 2015What a way to start out summer! My two-week exchange to Buenos Aires, Argentina through Colorado Academy’s Foreign...Experiential EducationUpper School
Argentina from a Student’s Perspective Communications·June 11, 2015Written by Sophie Sileo, CA ’17 These past few days have been incredible. I’ve eaten the most delicious food and...Experiential EducationUpper School
Sightseeing in Istanbul Communications·March 25, 2015Today was another special day in this very historically significant city and country. Many of us met at...Experiential EducationUpper School
Touring the History of Istanbul Communications·March 24, 2015Good morning from Istanbul! Monday morning we reunited after a weekend (Tom Thorpe arrived on Saturday night) and...Experiential EducationUpper School
Greetings from Istanbul! Communications·March 23, 2015On Wednesday of this week, the students spent their third day in Istanbul attending classes at UAA. After...Experiential EducationUpper School
CA Students Design and Build Cajun Drums for Haiti Communications·March 23, 2015The students who attended the recent trip to Nordette, Haiti wanted more than to help build a new...Experiential EducationUpper School
CA Students Already at Home in Istanbul Communications·March 17, 2015After less than two full days in Istanbul, our students are already quite at home in this exchange...Experiential EducationUpper School
Students’ First Impression of Haiti Communications·March 17, 2015by Charlie Wallace, CA ’18 It was a shock landing in Port Au Prince from Miami. Immediately, it...Experiential EducationUpper School
CA Arrives in Istanbul for Turkey Exchange Communications·March 16, 2015We all arrived safe and sound to Istanbul. The Denver to Frankfurt trip was uneventful but very long...Experiential EducationUpper School
A Background on our Trip to Haiti Communications·March 13, 2015Colorado Academy is partnered with a school in Haiti called St. Patrick’s of Nordette, located in the Central...Experiential EducationUpper School
Colorado Academy Arrives in Glasgow for Scotland Exchange Communications·March 9, 2015The day began at the Hutchesons’ Grammar School in Glasgow, Scotland with a great assembly where the school’s...Experiential EducationUpper School
Colorado Academy Celebrates Ten Years of Curious Theatre Collaboration Communications·March 3, 2015This year marks the tenth anniversary of Colorado Academy’s collaboration with the Curious Theatre in downtown Denver, through...ArtsOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School