Musings on Gratitude, Failure, & Learning Dr. Mike Davis·September 26, 2017Entering my tenth year as Head of School at Colorado Academy, I am as excited as ever about...FeaturedHead of School
From CA to Shanghai and Back Again: Lessons from Teaching in China Ross Holland·September 25, 2017Last spring I called an old classmate, Andrew Rejan, for some advice. I was in the first stages...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
A Read Aloud Primer for Everyone Allison Peters Jensen·September 25, 2017The new picture book, How To Read A Story, by Kate Messner and Mark Siegel, follows a boy...FeaturedLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
REDI Lab Celebrates Innovative, Self-Directed Learning Vicki Hildner·September 25, 2017During spring of 2017, CA student William McCormick set out to design a more efficient airplane, then transitioned...AcademicsFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Noah Manos: CA Alum Co-Founds Design-Build Firm Communications·August 22, 2017By Rachel Rockford, CA ‘13 Artist Noah Manos takes an interdisciplinary approach to life. “I think what distinguishes...AlumniFeatured
Retracing a Refugee’s Journey Communications·August 11, 2017By Sue Counterman, MS Science teacher I met Aguil Lual Deng for the first time in July 2017,...FeaturedMiddle School
Sports on the Rocks Communications·July 28, 2017When Alena Holbert looks at a rock face, it’s likely she sees something very different than most. Besides...AthleticsFeaturedUpper School
Senior-Kindergarten Buddies Form Lasting Relationship Communications·July 27, 2017With two younger brothers, Colorado Academy alumna Anna Schwartz always lamented not having a younger sister. That was...AlumniFeaturedLower SchoolUpper School
Can a Good Cup of Joe Reshape Learning Renee Rockford·June 23, 2017Creighton Williams Abrams was a U.S. Army General who served in Vietnam, Korea and World War II. Hailed...FeaturedMiddle SchoolUpper School
No Trial Run: CA Team Earns Berth to National Tournament Communications·June 23, 2017For the first time in the school’s history, Colorado Academy’s Mock Trial Team not only won a state...AcademicsFeaturedUpper School
REDI Lab: Learning to Learn Communications·June 23, 2017What happens when you give students the freedom to innovate through a self-directed learning program? That was the question...Featured
Two Down, Two to Go; Sports Venue is Next Upgrade Renee Rockford·June 23, 2017Two buildings that are part of Colorado Academy “See it Through” Campaign are complete and open, and the...ArtsAthleticsFeatured
For True Understanding, Slow Down Dr. Mike Davis·June 20, 2017Remarks at Commencement 2017 When you type the words “fast paced world” into Google, you will get 59...FeaturedHead of SchoolOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Four CA Students Honored for Achievements in Computer Science Communications·June 20, 2017Several Colorado Academy Upper School girls received awards for their achievements in Computer Science from the National Center...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Computer Science Students Place High in National Competition Communications·June 20, 2017Senior Ethan Jaszewski, and juniors Eric Bear and Greg Cain recently travelled to Newbury Park, CA to compete...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
School Years Travel at Light Speed Bill Wolf-Tinsman·June 20, 2017 Einstein posited that as you approach the speed of light, it can make it seem to the observer as if time...FeaturedMiddle SchoolMiddle School PrincipalOn CAmpus Newsletter
Photo Essay: Kindergarten Graduation Renee Rockford·June 19, 2017See a slideshow of photos from Kindergarten Graduation here....FeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
Describing the Class of 2017 Dr. Jon Vogels·June 15, 2017I want to share some thoughts about CA’s Class of 2017, a diverse collection of young women and...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper SchoolUpper School Principal
Class of 2017 Students Honored with Awards & Scholarships Communications·June 15, 2017Congratulations to the following Colorado Academy graduating seniors who will be attending college on merit scholarships. To date,...College CounselingFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Taking Stock After Five Years in Haiti Partnership Renee Rockford·May 2, 2017Since Colorado Academy began its partnership with a small school in a rural village of Haiti in 2011,...Experiential EducationFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
The Ball is in the Students’ Court: CA Seniors Finalize Their College Decisions Communications·May 2, 2017By Sara Purviance Associate Director of College Counseling In the age of increasingly selective college admission to...College CounselingFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School