College Office honors first generation college-bound students Communications·July 8, 2019Colorado Academy’s College Office established a new tradition at CA this year, recognizing students who are among the...AlumniAlumni NewsletterCollege CounselingUpper School
Spring in the College Counseling Office Sonia Arora·July 2, 2019In the College Counseling Office, we race to the finish line each spring as Colorado Academy Seniors make...AlumniAlumni NewsletterCollege CounselingCollege Counseling DirectorUpper School
Five ways to prepare for the transition to college Sonia Arora·April 26, 2019When I graduated from Colorado Academy in 2001, the end came fast. Graduation excitement was followed by graduation...College CounselingCollege Counseling DirectorOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Alumni Panel Shares College Advice with Juniors and Seniors Sonia Arora·April 3, 2019In January, students in the Junior and Senior classes gathered to hear from a panel of CA alumni...AlumniAlumni NewsletterCollege CounselingCollege Counseling Director
What are the advantages of a gap year before college? admins·March 9, 2018Every fall, for the almost 30 years that I did admissions work at Harvard and Middlebury, I saw...College CounselingFaculty/StaffOn CAmpus Newsletter
CA Alumna Sonia Arora to take Helm of College Office Renee Rockford·February 28, 2018Colorado Academy announced that CA alumna Sonia Arora ‘01 will join the school’s College Counseling staff as Director...AlumniCollege CounselingFaculty/StaffOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
How CA cares for students’ social and emotional health Vicki Hildner·February 20, 2018Waleed Khalifa ’17 describes his four years at Colorado Academy as a time when he learned to invest...College CounselingFeaturedLower SchoolMiddle SchoolUpper School
Piñón’s college plans are a first at CA Vicki Hildner·January 25, 2018All seniors at Colorado Academy face challenges and decisions as they apply to college or make plans for...AcademicsCollege CounselingFeaturedUpper School
College Majors and Their Impact on Careers Sara Purviance·December 5, 2017Intertwined with selecting a college is choosing a college major — in fact, the majority of CA seniors...College CounselingFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
College Boot Camp cures ‘application anxiety’ Vicki Hildner·September 27, 2017Usually, the words “boot camp” conjure up visions of blood, sweat, and tears. But at Colorado Academy, College...College CounselingFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Authenticity in the College Application Essay admins·September 26, 2017The college application essay. Perhaps no single component of a student’s college application receives more scrutiny, second-guessing, and...College CounselingFeaturedUpper School
Class of 2017 Students Honored with Awards & Scholarships Communications·June 15, 2017Congratulations to the following Colorado Academy graduating seniors who will be attending college on merit scholarships. To date,...College CounselingFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
The Ball is in the Students’ Court: CA Seniors Finalize Their College Decisions Communications·May 2, 2017By Sara Purviance Associate Director of College Counseling In the age of increasingly selective college admission to...College CounselingFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School