Need a new activity during social distancing? Try one of these! Communications·March 20, 2020While the coronavirus has us hunkered down this Spring Break, CA faculty and staff have been compiling virtual...Editor's PicksFeatured
Leslie Webster: A Celebration of Life Communications·February 25, 2020 In her many years at Colorado Academy, Kindergarten Teacher Leslie Webster loved and was loved by many...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
Colorado Academy announces entertainment lineup for April benefit concert Communications·January 17, 2020 After a decade of hosting biennial, big-name rock and jazz concerts to benefit student financial aid, Colorado...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
Practicing Spanish in Spain Communications·December 19, 2019In November, a group of Colorado Academy students traveled to Madrid, Spain and attended school at the Colegio...Experiential EducationOn CAmpus Newsletter
An exchange with Scotland Communications·December 19, 2019Four Colorado Academy Fifth Grade students recently traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland, escorted by Fifth Grade teachers Buck McKenna...Experiential EducationOn CAmpus Newsletter
Kevin Padworski: First Impressions of CA singers Communications·December 19, 2019What intrigued you about the position of Vocal Music Director at Colorado Academy? I was fascinated by CA’s...ArtsOn CAmpus Newsletter
A prism of light Communications·December 18, 2019By Allison Peters Jensen, Director of Libraries and Sarah Wright, Director of Inclusivity Let’s kick off 2020 with...All-School NewsCulture & Community DirectorLibraries DirectorOn CAmpus Newsletter
Top individual Metro League honors for CA coach and player Communications·November 21, 2019Colorado Academy took the two highest Metro League individual honors for its Varsity Boys Soccer Program. Coach Gabe...AthleticsOn CAmpus Newsletter
How CA takes the stress out of college applications Communications·November 21, 2019Mona and John Ferrugia sent both their sons to Colorado Academy. Jonathan Ferrugia graduated in 2004, and Justin...College CounselingOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
CA field hockey team caps undefeated season with state title Communications·November 5, 2019 In their first appearance at the State Championship game in four years, the Colorado Academy Field Hockey Team...AthleticsEditor's PicksFeaturedNewsOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
A snowy Halloween 2019! Communications·November 1, 2019With Lower School princesses and Batmen, Middle School unicorns and M&M’s, and Upper School boxing champs and Beetlejuice,...All-School NewsFeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
Don’t miss this opportunity to support CA! Communications·October 30, 2019by Natalie Ralston ’99, Director of The CA Fund Our third annual CA Gives Day in support of...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
CA Neustadt Scholars learn from world’s finest writers Communications·October 30, 2019by Dr. Jon Vogels and Tom Thorpe For the eighth consecutive year, Colorado Academy Upper School faculty and...AcademicsUpper School
Class of 2020, meet your Kindergarten Buddies! Communications·September 25, 2019 My favorite tradition at CA is having a Kindergarten Buddy. We spend a lot of time together,...Lower SchoolOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Summer as a State Department Youth Ambassador Communications·September 25, 2019by Will Ungar, Class of 2020 Traveling to Paraguay during the summer after my Junior year shaped me...Experiential EducationOn CAmpus Newsletter
Students HOPE 2019 needs your help Communications·September 25, 2019By Andersen Dodge, Brandon Cohen, and Caroline Briggs, Class of 2020 As many people make plans to celebrate...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
2019 Grandparents Day! Here’s the schedule Communications·September 25, 2019 Don’t miss Grandparents Day on Friday, December 20, 2019! At 8:30 a.m. the doors to the West...All-School News
2019-2020 CA Global Travel Opportunities Communications·September 19, 2019Global Travel & Exchange Programs 2019-2020 Outside the Classroom At Colorado Academy, we nurture dynamic thinkers and active...All-School NewsExperiential EducationLower SchoolMiddle SchoolUpper School
Middle School students travel to Peru Communications·August 29, 2019By Ellen Clowes Grade 8 Global travel is a key element in being educated and expanding one’s comfort...Experiential EducationMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Class of 2019 Merit Scholarships Communications·August 29, 2019Each year many Seniors are awarded merit scholarships at the institutions to which they apply. In most cases,...Upper School
College Office honors first generation college-bound students Communications·July 8, 2019Colorado Academy’s College Office established a new tradition at CA this year, recognizing students who are among the...AlumniAlumni NewsletterCollege CounselingUpper School