Help us prepare for the 2020-2021 school year Communications·April 28, 2020Before you get settled into your Spring and Summer routines, please take just a few minutes to complete...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
CA Senior named Boettcher Scholar Renee Rockford·April 28, 2020“We are over-the-moon proud,” says Colorado Academy College Counselor Sara Purviance about CA Senior Walt Jones, who has...All-School NewsOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Stepping up in big ways: Families say thank you for the assistance Renee Rockford·April 28, 2020Colorado Academy parents, grandparents, alumni, and parents of alumni continue to respond in big ways to help take...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
National Teacher Appreciation Day during COVID-19 Renee Rockford·April 28, 2020National Teacher Appreciation Day—which is coming up soon—just upped its relevance score. With the arrival of COVID-19, the...All-School NewsFaculty/StaffOn CAmpus Newsletter
The State of the School Dr. Mike Davis·March 31, 2020I’m excited to share with you my twelfth State of the School report and provide a dashboard of...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
Bryan Terrell Clark: ‘You have to be brave’ Communications·March 31, 2020For Bryan Terrell Clark, who played George Washington in Hamilton on Broadway, this was a first. Never before...All-School NewsArts
CA launches Emergency Tuition Assistance Fund Renee Rockford·March 30, 2020Colorado Academy has launched a campaign for an Emergency Tuition Assistance Fund in the wake of economic fallout...All-School NewsFeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
Starting anew … online Dr. Mike Davis·March 25, 2020We don’t often have the opportunity to get two opening days of a school year, but today, our...AcademicsAll-School NewsEditor's PicksFeaturedHead of School
Zoom School starts at CA Renee Rockford·March 25, 2020Colorado Academy Kindergarten teacher Lindsey Owens was hosting her classroom’s morning meeting—not with children in a circle as...All-School NewsFeaturedNews
Pivot, Zoom, Teach! Renee Rockford·March 19, 2020One of the often-noted aspects of the Coronavirus pandemic is how quickly it spread. Colorado Academy began watching...All-School NewsFeaturedNews
Leslie Webster: A Celebration of Life Communications·February 25, 2020 In her many years at Colorado Academy, Kindergarten Teacher Leslie Webster loved and was loved by many...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
Cure your stress with the CA Lovefest Renee Rockford·February 25, 2020 Looking for a way to escape the bad headlines of the day? One of the featured artists...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
CA sends two Mock Trial teams to 2020 State Tournament Luis Terrazas·February 25, 2020 All three Colorado Academy Mock Trial teams delivered commanding performances at the Denver Regional Tournament this past...All-School NewsExperiential EducationOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
2020 Taste of CA A Celebration of Cultures Vicki Hildner·February 25, 2020With record-setting attendance and on an evening that beat the snow by a matter of hours, Colorado Academy...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
2020 Upper School Interim Brochure Forbes Cone·February 20, 2020Interim provides opportunities to get out of the classroom to learn by doing, through exposure to new ideas,...All-School NewsExperiential EducationUpper School
The wisdom of Temple Grandin Vicki Hildner·January 27, 2020Spend an evening with Temple Grandin and you will know three things without a doubt: She is passionate...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
Auschwitz: Never forget Dr. Mike Davis·January 23, 2020January 27 marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau. On this day...All-School NewsEditor's PicksFeaturedHead of School
Colorado Academy announces entertainment lineup for April benefit concert Communications·January 17, 2020 After a decade of hosting biennial, big-name rock and jazz concerts to benefit student financial aid, Colorado...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
Grandparents Day 2019 Vicki Hildner·December 20, 2019 More than 500 grandparents—a record number—made the trip to visit Colorado Academy on December 20, 2019. They...All-School NewsEditor's PicksFeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
School ‘with a big heart’ offers hope Renee Rockford·December 19, 2019“Impressive. This is a school with a big heart.” Those were the words responding to an online post...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
2019 CA Annual Holiday Dinner Vicki Hildner·December 19, 2019More than 150 of Colorado Academy’s most generous supporters, along with current and former trustees, gathered for the...All-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter