Two Mock Trial teams advance to State Communications·February 10, 2019Two of Colorado Academy’s three Mock Trial teams are moving on to the State competition on March 7...AcademicsEditor's PicksFeaturedNewsUpper School
Studying “big data” prepares CA students for the future Vicki Hildner·January 25, 2019Who was most likely to survive when the Titanic crashed into that iceberg on its ill-fated maiden voyage?...AcademicsUpper School
Global Water Challenge travels the world with purpose Vicki Hildner·December 19, 2018You could travel the globe without ever leaving Colorado Academy’s Middle School if you were lucky enough to...AcademicsMiddle School
2018 Computer Science Festival delivers hands-on tech fun Communications·December 19, 2018In December, Colorado Academy‘s Raether Library was transformed into a buzzing extravaganza of robots, drones, and virtual reality...AcademicsAll-School NewsOn CAmpus Newsletter
Looking beyond grades, if you can Dr. Mike Davis·December 13, 2018I am a big fan of organizational psychologist Adam Grant and his recent New York Times op-ed piece...AcademicsEditor's PicksFeaturedHead of SchoolNews
What are we trying to do here? Dr. Mike Davis·November 29, 2018“OK, everyone, “ I said to my class on the second to the last day of the term....AcademicsEditor's PicksFeaturedHead of SchoolNews
A ‘Museum of Mexico’ Communications·November 29, 2018 On the Friday before Thanksgiving break, Middle School students visited a “Museum of Mexico” without ever leaving...AcademicsMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Academic honesty: More than grades are at stake Dr. Mike Davis·October 17, 2018While traveling earlier this week, I dug into the news and found a great article that has a...AcademicsAll-School NewsEditor's PicksFeaturedHead of School
Ninth Grade Intensive: Six days of deep learning Vicki Hildner·July 2, 2018Some students traveled to El Paso, Texas to study the complexities of the border between the U.S. and...AcademicsUpper School
Competing in Computer Science Sadie Christlieb·June 5, 2018While many Colorado Academy students took a break over Memorial Day weekend, one of CA’s teams was sweating...AcademicsOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Images of Greatness 2018 Communications·May 30, 2018From explorers to athletes, prize fighters to ballerinas, peacemakers to inventors—Colorado Academy’s Grade 5 students transformed themselves into...AcademicsFeaturedLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
First Grade Teacher, Margit Patterson, on ‘Why I Teach’ Communications·April 27, 2018Colorado Academy First Grade teacher Margit Patterson talks about “Why I Teach.” Has there been a teacher...AcademicsLower School
REDI Lab 2018 REDI Lab·April 9, 2018The REDI Lab at CA is a one trimester “school-within-a-school” experience. REDI is an acronym for the cornerstones...AcademicsUpper School
CA takes two of top five positions at State Mock Trial Luis Terrazas·March 16, 2018On Saturday, March 10, the students of the CA Mock Trial A and C Teams wrapped up two...AcademicsFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Why do Lower School students love audiobooks? Allison Peters Jensen·March 9, 2018Mr. Russell was the teacher to have for sixth grade at my elementary school. He stood out among...AcademicsLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Students mentor peers at Colorado Academy Writing Center Vicki Hildner·February 28, 2018It’s the last 30 minutes of the school day, the time at Colorado Academy set aside for students...AcademicsOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Colorado Academy Students Capture Ten Regional Writing Awards Renee Rockford·February 16, 2018Colorado Academy Upper School students are winners of ten awards from the 2018 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards...AcademicsFeaturedUpper School
Upper School English Teacher, Ross Holland, on ‘Why I Teach’ Renee Rockford·February 15, 2018Colorado Academy Upper School English teacher Ross Holland talks about “Why I Teach.” Has there been a teacher...AcademicsUpper School
Third Grade Teacher, Stephanie Stone, on ‘Why I Teach’ Renee Rockford·February 15, 2018Colorado Academy Third Grade teacher Stephanie Stone talks about “Why I Teach.” Has there been a teacher who...AcademicsLower School
MS Social Studies Teacher, Adrian Green, on ‘Why I Teach’ Renee Rockford·February 15, 2018Colorado Academy Middle School Social Studies teacher Adrian Green talks about “Why I Teach.” Has there been a...AcademicsMiddle School
Kindergarten Teacher, Christine West, on ‘Why I Teach’ Renee Rockford·February 15, 2018Colorado Academy Kindergarten teacher Christine West talks about “Why I Teach.” Has there been a teacher who made...AcademicsLower School