Piper Adams
You lead the way with a strong moral compass and seriousness of purpose. From being a role model for young girls in ice hockey to your passion for history, earning you a Social Studies Award, to your plan to serve our country as a military leader, we are awed by your dedication, focus, and grit. As you hold yourself to high standards, you raise the level of discourse and commitment to community.

Olivia Aguirre
Whether defending the goal on your championship Lacrosse and Field Hockey teams, or adding insight to a discussion in Econ or AP Lit, your powerful and deliberate work ethic improves our community at every level. Lover of puzzles and steadfast friend, we love your no-nonsense demeanor and fearless ability to push yourself and others to be their best.

Abby Alem
Scholar, leader, activist, and advocate, you do it all and make it look easy. Teachers say you are always ahead and never slow down. In the classroom, you drive conversation to new levels of complexity and abstraction. STAMP and FACES inspired you to understand and explore, a gift you now give back by mentoring younger generations. Your inner wisdom and heart guide you forward.

Brogan Andrus
You’ve rocked your way to academic and athletic success as a great teammate and bandmate. Deeply rooted in your passions, you’ve carved your way through life as you do on the ice: smooth and effortless, you always have a calming presence. Accountable and loyal, your character will take you to the places of your dreams.

Claire Arney
Our Simms Alumni Award winner, with Coach Kirk training and Mr. Looper-honed acting skills, you brought Tilly to life in She Kills Monsters. A budding scientist, you aspire to save our planet, and an accomplished linguist, you earned Ms. Sitja’s Peggycita-Hill Award. Throughout, you embody respectful discourse, serving as both intellect and diplomat in CA’s community.

Corbin Bank
Golfer, brother, and saxophonist, you do everything with a quiet confidence that epitomizes CA's spirit: a Super Lifer through and through. Both patient and curious, you work hard to attain your goals, earning you the badge of a resilient student and respected Golf teammate. Your tempo is smooth, whether you are out on the links or jamming with Academy Jazz!

Dori Beck
From Pre-K and the beginner lane of the pool with Mr. Koza, you have emerged. Swimming, golfing, coding, caring for siblings, taking every class you can pack into a day, and volunteering hundreds of hours at Children’s Hospital. Where do you find the time? Come summer, you transform into a CA camp counselor of legendary reputation. You are an academic superstar who brings the community together.

Sophie Brants
Your optimistic and determined spirit shines across every realm. In Field Hockey, you are the glue of your State Championship team. On the piano, you’ve dazzled us with your gifts and discipline, and teaching little ones has made you a favorite go-to babysitter. Teachers say you are nothing short of grit personified; no matter how small or large the challenge, you rise to the occasion.

Addie Brown
A true embodiment of talent and leadership, excelling in three different sports while also being a supportive teammate and older sister. In CLT, you motivate others with your dedication to service and teamwork. On top of that, your drumming skills revealed a hidden talent that captivated and inspired all of us. You remind us of the power of perseverance, versatility, and the beauty of rhythm.

Emma Carpenter
An outdoors enthusiast, you helped create the Environmental Club, even presenting to CA’s Trustees. Star tutor at Mathnasium and Math Achievement Award winner, a HOPE Director, and Captain of the Swim team, you lead with graceful humility and fierce conviction. In REDI lab and CLT, science labs, and Supreme Court debates, you have found your voice, standing up for the causes in which you believe.

Emerson Coleman
Multifaceted powerhouse, we’ve loved seeing you thrive in REDI Lab, on the Soccer pitch, and as a leader through CLT. Curiosity fuels your desire to learn, and you’ve been steady and resilient in the face of challenges. You are an awesome big sister, committed volunteer, budding scientist, and environmentalist. Ever positive, humble, and kind.

Aidan Collins
Confidence, grit, and drive shines in the face of setbacks. You gave it your all on the Lacrosse field, working with Project C.U.R.E., and in the Investment Club. You weren’t afraid to get outside your comfort zone–trying new things like ceramics, Golf, and co-founding the Fishing Club. Your perseverance and integrity makes you a valued member of the CA community.

Anna Colpack
You tackle each day like a caped superhero, talking with teachers after class, eagerly and joyfully wanting to learn more. Then you turn that power loose on the Lacrosse field and become unstoppable, rightfully earning the Zach Hills Award. Your creative side is on full display in your Portfolio, your sensitive side is evident in your writing and CIP project, and your kind heart is known everywhere.

Zoe Cope
Co-President and WE ALL RISE intern, we are awed by your strength, courage, and determination to make a difference. Passionate advocate for women and girls, fierce opponent of gun violence, you inspired us in your Senior Speech. We love that you set a goal and go full steam ahead. We are absolutely certain that you will use your many talents to do good in the world.

Joshua Corn
You’re pragmatic, humble, and unassuming, and your presence in the classroom is always a delight. You effortlessly glide through both the water and across the piano keyboard. A highly decorated athlete, engineer, and musician, your countless victories testify to your dedication and perseverance. And your passion for excellence inspires us all to pursue our dreams with unwavering determination.

Millie Degefa
We watched in awe of your achievements on America’s Got Talent, dancing your way onto the television screen and into our hearts. An eloquent writer and curious thinker, your creative aptitude is rivaled only by the powerful friendships you have forged. You have steadily made your mark at CA, and we can’t wait to see what comes next for you.

Ava Delzotto
Your energy is like a jolt of caffeine—you keep us laughing with your wit, not to mention creative costumes. (You are the queen of C-Club and Field Hockey theme days!) You are also beloved on CLT for your compassionate heart. Committed to improving education for all, your REDI Lab and Jennifer Wu projects inspired us, and we know you will sow the seeds of hope for future generations.

Tylar Dillon
You left Simsbury and embraced the adventure of a new life in Denver, and a new school, initially over Zoom. From Philanthropy Board to HOPE, REDI Lab to Swim team, in three short years you made the most of your CA experience. At Children’s Hospital, your bubbles of joy and kindness comforted others. With determination, you define your future.

Jack Doolittle
A sensitive, kind guy and loving cousin, you make your mark in that signature, understated way. You love to do all the things—skiing, golfing, sailing, deep sea diving— and you soak up life for the simple joys it provides. From the Golf course to the Ultimate field, you are a competitor with focus, and as a budding entrepreneur, we know your next adventure is just around the corner.

Dana Elprince
Your journey from Cairo to New York City and finally to Colorado is a testament to your resilience and adaptability. Your passion for art, painting, and design shines through in every aspect of your life, and you approach each new project with boundless creativity. Your infectious smile and positive attitude are a true inspiration to all who know you.

Liana Fagelson
Faculty agree: you are one of the sunniest personalities they’ve met, brightening hallways as you arrive at school early each day. Your interest in others is genuine, making you a quintessential Senior Buddy and a natural leader in CLT and on the Tennis team. REDI Lab and portfolio got your creative juices spinning, blending art with music, and there’s no telling what mark you will leave in your future.

Ari Foreman
Your advisors say you are never in a bad mood! You show up for others and are always game for the task at hand. Known for your athleticism on the Lacrosse field, you can also summit ’14ers with your family with focus and turn that same intensity to wrestle a complicated topic in class. A great sister, a fun spirit, and a competitive athlete, your discipline and drive will define your future.

Ethan Frank
Dedicated Lacrosse Captain, CLT, brother, and friend to all, you have led our community in multiple ways. We have loved watching you grow your talents in music, Lacrosse, and in the classroom. We all smiled when you showcased your confidence, courage, voice, and guitar skills in the talent show and for our closing Town Hall. A committed, caring and steadfast leader.

Davis Frankum
A bundle of energy, you arrived at the Upper School and were instantly the social butterfly, welcoming new students with ease and even introducing new teachers to one another! With your sharp ideas and creative mindset, you keep a classroom on its toes, and even start your own company on the side. Most of all, on the Hockey rink with your brothers and friends, you embody grit and loyalty.

Will Freimuth
Always warm and genuine, whether engaging in the hallways, in the classroom, or with peers on Interim. You have been a rock-steady contributor to the Golf and Lacrosse teams, wowed Ms. Wei with your understanding of new concepts in Chinese, and weren’t afraid to climb to new heights in your many outdoor endeavors. Sincere, thoughtful, and friend to all.

Fabi Frenz
Intellectual powerhouse, compassionate leader, and French Award winner, you are the go-to when your peers want to talk through their research papers. An English teacher says, “Fabi can offer a single comment or question that completely blows up the conversation and pushes it to a new level.” Your reading list inspires us, your Tennis skills impress us, and you are simply an indispensable part of our community.

Fatima Garcia
Talented scientist, artist, and leader by example, your presence in the CA community has been a gift. Your Portfolio Show amazed us, and we love that you push your own boundaries in artmaking and academics. You’ve created a lasting legacy in our community through helping others find belonging. We’ve watched you grow the power in your voice, and we know there is no stopping you.

Lee Gastis
Add a dose of charm from your Kentucky cousins, a heap of chutzpah from your Soccer success and C-Club leadership, a sprinkle of wisdom from your older siblings, a dash of creativity from our art studios, topped off with tons of compassion nurtured in Soccer Without Borders, and voila, you have it—a self-aware writer, a quintessential Soccer Captain and mentor, and a guy with a big heart.

Ava Geisler
A warm soul, you give your all because you truly care. Passionate about children, health, and science, you cradled babies in the NICU, served as a Director for HOPE, chased around your Kindergarten Buddy, and even led Philanthropy Board. Your ambitious CIP Blood Drive project saved over one-hundred lives and has become a new tradition. Though your Canadian roots call you home, your legacy at CA will continue to grow.

Karl Gifford
A stalwart anchor on the Lacrosse team, a welcoming Admission host, and a skilled craftsman in our ceramics studio, you channel the rugged resolve and calming balance of your roots in Sweden. In the classroom you are a thoughtful contributor, in our art building your creative eye is undeniable, in the outdoors you are at home, and with your family you are as devoted as they come.

Naomi Gillis
Fierce debater, talented coder, winner of the Theater Acting Award, Volleyball and Ethics Bowl leader, you lead dialog and raise the bar wherever you go. One teacher says, “Naomi lives life on a deep level, and asks those around her to question surface actions.” Whether on stage in countless productions, in an advanced CS course, or baking masterpieces for your friends and family, your example makes CA better.

TJ Giordano
You combine goofy humor with a true desire to learn. (One teacher says you’re the “teenage version of a golden retriever because we NEVER see you grumpy!”) Mr. Golf and the most caring of uncles, you are as dedicated to the game as you are to family, and we love the wisdom you share. Whether designing a business plan or doling out snacks from your backpack, you make everything more fun for others.

Avery Goldstein
You’re fiercely talented. It doesn’t matter if you are behind the camera, in the writers’ room, or on stage; we cannot help but notice your star power as you serenade us through visual and performing arts. Thoughtful, caring, and honest, you never hesitate to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe in. We thank you for your fearlessness and only ask that you don’t forget us on your way to EGOT status!

Ezra Goldstein
You’re always steady, never overwhelmed, and democratic in how you work with others. Always willing to support your friends, teammates, and community, your can-do attitude and problem-solving skills are showcased by your leadership on CLT. A maestro in midfield for the Soccer program, and as part of the Arapahoe Rescue Patrol, you literally save lives.

Remy Guillot
With your adventurous spirit, nothing fazes you. You stare down a Lacrosse opponent just as easily as you barrel down a ski slope and rally classmates in C-Club. That same grit shows up in the classroom and shines especially bright in our digital arts studio, where the creative vision in your Hockey documentary is undeniable. You own your experience and do your own thing.

Ashley Hagen
A teacher says, “If you picture an iconic CA graduate, Ashley is your girl!” Weekends spent on hut-trips or volunteering, summers spent teaching kids to sail, and days spent saving the environment, you never shy away from a challenge. And still you find time to spread the gospel of Ultimate Frisbee! A leader to the core, there’s no one we’d rather have in the crow’s nest watching over us.

Kate Hardy
Ms. Boes says you are “a go-getter, a doer, and a helper who rises to any challenge.” You defined your passion for food science in REDI Lab, led the Swim team with your strong example, and pushed your boundaries by trying Field Hockey and Golf. Talented athlete, hardworking student, and dedicated volunteer, you make others around you feel welcome and important, inspiring everyone to flourish.

Olivia Harris
You are a patient problem-solver who never gives up and a calm force that anchors any group. Our Griggs-Dayton Award winner in Chinese, you are also passionate about social justice and devote countless hours to training with Coach Kirk and to Civil Air Patrol, where your call to service rings true. Your spirit of collaboration and care shows up in our theater, on the Basketball court, and in your devotion to family.

Claire Henry
A genuine triple threat, you have a passion for singing, acting, and a genuine love of literature. Your standout performance as Mary Poppins showcased your impressive theatrical skills, your dedication to your craft, and your amazing voice. You can often be found curled up with a good book, which speaks to your deep appreciation for the power of storytelling on all levels.

Sofie Henry
Wielding a six-foot staff in She Kills Monsters, your stage presence is unmatched. You demonstrated your visual and physical artistic prowess each year, with a silver lining of charisma, humor, and fearlessness that we all envy. You’re not afraid to put some of the rougher edges of life into your art. You, Sofie, the Visual Art Award Winner, are a refreshing reminder that we all need to be our authentic selves.

Noah Hicks
Your strong moral compass and growth mindset lead the way, whether participating in class discussions or on the Lacrosse field. You dived right in on community service days and lived your entrepreneurial spirit by starting a thriving landscaping business. Values-driven, hardworking, and intellectually curious, your dedication to the CA community and your own learning pushes us forward.

Sophie Hunnewell
It has only been two years since you joined us, and yet you immediately immersed yourself in CA. Competitive in all of your athletic endeavors, you set the bar high for yourself and your teammates. Swimming the hallways with purpose, your love of sharks might be rivaled only by your passion for connecting with others and creating community. You have made each day count.

Kaitlin Johnson
Humans and horses alike fully appreciate your fierce dedication to learning every moment of every day, earning you awards in social studies and science. You write extra papers for fun, geek out on advanced economics concepts, crush Cross Country competitions, and pursue horseback riding at a national level. Your insatiable intellectual curiosity lifts the level of dialog for those around you and inspires us all.

Charlie Jones
A friend calls you “the most loyal, non-judgmental, friendly, and approachable soul at CA.” Embodying inclusivity, you honor what each community member brings to the table. Co-Leader of Mock Trial and Ultimate, CLT, sailing instructor, and junior ski patrol member, you lead with compassion, humor, curiosity, and a deep desire to create meaning and collectively raise the bar.

Anna Jordaan
Incredibly bright, steadfast in your values, and masterful with a Tennis racket, your leadership knows no bounds. Your resilience and competitive nature led to an undefeated high school Tennis career. In the classroom, your keen contributions demonstrate your scholarly and compassionate soul. Senior Athlete of the Year, you are a shining example of hard work and determination.

Matthew Kintzele
“If you’re looking for fun, just find Matt,” says your advisor. Perpetually positive, whether locking onto a math problem, racing down a ski slope, or cruising around town on your skateboard, you also add creativity, nuance, and humor to any classroom discussion. Our starting Soccer goalie, who secured this year’s State title, you stand firm between the posts even though your free spirit can’t be caged.

Toren Knepper
With quick feet and a genuine heart, you are always thoughtful, engaged in conversation, and interested in your learning. Five-sport athlete and Co-Leader of the Entrepreneurship and Business Club, REDI Lab helped you further your passion for investing. You are an avid outdoorsman, filmmaker, and steadfast teammate, and your heart of gold makes the CA community better.

Andrew Koclanes
Who can deftly solve a physics problem, earn a Math Achievement Award, analyze T.S. Eliot poems with unbridled enthusiasm, teach a rowdy classroom of Eighth Graders, dribble circles around opponents as our Senior Athlete of the Year, coordinate dozens of HOPE volunteers, and evoke laughter on the stage? You can! You do it all, and remain one of the kindest, most humble students on campus.

Andrew Kurtz
An engineer and entrepreneur, you go above and beyond to find solutions. In class, your eagerness is infectious, your thinking sharp. Even when sidelined on Zoom, you took ownership and persevered. During REDI Lab, you dived into your longtime passion project and launched your stationery business to new levels. An old soul, great brother, and loving Senior to your Kindergarten Buddy, you make memories to cherish.

Jane Lauchli
You know what you want and go for it. Your passion for philanthropy, politics, and civic engagement started early and has branched in many directions. Whether delivering bills between offices on the Senate floor or fact-checking evidence in Mock Trial, you love to be part of the debate. In advisory and class, you savor both the small talk and the deeper conversation. Beloved sister, family is your compass.

Annie LeClair
Authentic, sincere, and compassionate, you are someone younger students look up to. Four-year contributor to Varsity Basketball, your loyal dedication to the team made a positive impact. Committed Co-Leader of the Haiti Club, nurse’s assistant at the Veterans Hospital, and HOPE volunteer, you lead by example with a fierce passion for supporting and helping others in need.

Riley Leversedge
Loyal friend and teammate, hard worker in the classroom, and fierce defender on the Lacrosse field, your determination, grit, and caring nature have contributed to CA in many ways. While you joined our community in Tenth Grade, right in the middle of a global pandemic, you immediately fit right into the community, and it felt like you were here all along. Strong, fearless, you don’t miss a beat.

Charlie Link
Outdoors enthusiast and budding environmental scientist, you care about our planet and want to protect the spaces in which you live—the ski slopes you race down each weekend, the river spots you love to fish, and the trails you hike and bike. That same fierceness shows up in science labs and the Lacrosse field, where you persevere no matter the obstacle.

Joe Macdougall
Our easy-going and joyful intellectual, you have a scholar’s curiosity. You can lead ACSL and devour every STEM class we offer with ease, yet you break the mold and have found so many other parts of your identity at CA: nonprofit leader at We Don’t Waste, social justice advocate in Amnesty, fluent Spanish speaker, and guitar-playing poet. You are humble and selfless to the core.

Cate Maloy
As a Super Lifer, you have challenged yourself and found your voice in Concert Choir and Chanteurs. You carry yourself with grace. You’re not just a hard worker, but a happy worker! Your commitment to dance and the video you made for us while at home during the pandemic affirms your passion for cultivating a community for those you love. Your positive energy and enthusiasm for learning will be missed.

Olivia Marx
Unflappable and positive with sky-high emotional intelligence, strong leadership is who you are. You aren’t afraid to pivot and try new things—whether that’s falling in love with writing or getting involved with athletic training after a season-ending injury. Whether leading in CLT, C-Club, the Volleyball team, or volunteering at Hospice, others look to you for guidance, kindness, and inspiration.

Harris May
A gifted climber, for REDI Lab you scaled formidable rock faces in Utah while writing stunningly beautiful poetry about your journeys. As a leading voice in GSA and a Rose Youth intern, you think deeply about our world and care about the injustices you see in it. You are also the sharpest of wits and a consummate multi-tasker—who else can win a chess match while simultaneously answering a complex question?

Colin McCoy
Whether building metaphorical or literal homes, you create a sense of belonging for others. Steadfast and humble, your values-driven work ethic guides your strong dedication in the classroom, the Soccer and Baseball fields, the ceramics studio, and in your work with Habitat for Humanity. You are generous and kind, and set the bar high with your thoughtful actions.

Kate McKean
Devoted Swim team Captain and quintessential teammate, you are also a skilled Co-Editor-in-Chief and one of the reasons our yearbook made it to print! You bring such a keen eye and caring authenticity to all that you do. Your maturity keeps you clear of the drama, your articulate insights make you a leader in any class discussion, and your kindness makes you a favorite among peers.

Teddy McPeek
Deep thinker, beautiful writer, and talented Soccer player, your mature insight and razor-sharp focus adds to the CA community in many ways. You challenge yourself academically and go all in on your passion for music, whether studying guitar or audio engineering. A strong leader by example with high-level commitment and dedication, we can’t wait to see where your many talents take you.

Aaron McPheeters
Bright, self-aware, and quick-witted, you lead with a mature outlook and a deep sense of gratitude. Ms. Gray says you are, “an intellectually curious student who continually shows a profound love of learning.” Whether sharing your passion for investing, your interest in making art, or being a standout Buddy to your Kindergartener, one thing is for certain: you go all in and you stay true to yourself.

Sofia Meltzer
Funny, gregarious, and kind, you have touched our hearts in just two short years and made us smile and laugh until it hurt. Your quick wit, infectious humor, and genuine kindness have created an indelible impact. Your writing skills are top-notch, and you always bring a unique perspective to any discussion. It's no wonder you so quickly became a beloved member of our school community.

Mattie Mielke
Through injury and pandemic, you rallied with a growth mindset, determined to discover your voice. On the Soccer field, you’ll attack but also show equal care to teammates and opponents. Always, you balance the pressures of life with grace. Teachers call you a “sweet rockstar.” From biology to ceramics, from piano to cherished time with your family, your spirit shines.

Claire Millisor
Your beautiful and colorful Portfolio Show reflected the depths and joy of your heart, and your Senior Speech made clear the rock-hard strength behind that sunny exterior. Teachers also know you as one of the hardest working students around. A consistently positive force, from organizing Haiti Club Fun Runs to caring for your little brother, people count on you.

Spencer Mills
Thoughtful, empathetic Super Lifer and leader, you are a go-to CLT for Ninth Graders and a helpful classmate who explains tough material to peers each day. You found your stride in Cross Country, gave back through your dedication to Haiti Club, and showcased your talent for art in your Portfolio Show. A Neustadt winner, Ms. Kittle calls you a “brilliant creative writer.” You are the glue that binds our community.

Buzz Oertel
Kind and loyal, since Pre-K we’ve seen you step in to care for your friends and the CA community. The quintessential goalie, you protect your teammates from harm in Lacrosse and Hockey and always make time for younger generations of athletes. You enjoy being a part of something larger than yourself, and your calm, thoughtful presence will be missed.

Campbell O'Neal
You read, write, and think with a sense of wonder and excitement—earning you the Curiosity in English Award. Ultimate Frisbee leader, talented poet, voracious reader, master skier, and energetic camp counselor, you are a humble, understated superstar. From El Paso and Neustadt to your brilliant Portfolio Show, you have left an indelible mark on the CA community.

Xianho Ou
You tripled in science this year, earning you the Pat Hogan Award and proving your destiny in medicine. And no matter how tough things get, you remain ready with a joke and positive spin on life. You are also a Portfolio ceramicist who can run a Chinese tea ceremony, a skilled manager who helps run your family’s restaurant, a deft leader of Chess Club, and a caring big brother and cousin.

Hudson Parks
You bound into classrooms, eager to give it your all in discussion and ready to listen to others. On the ice rink, Tennis court, and Lacrosse fields, your love for sports is palpable, while your brain’s extraordinary database of sports stats nearly matches your football jersey collection! The business and entrepreneurial worlds intrigue you, and we know that’s where you will shine.

Lila Paton
“How many, how much?” your favorite childhood poem asks. Through your own writing and voice, you’ve explored life’s meaning and championed others. As a dedicated volunteer for Robbie’s Hope and Raise the Future, you’ve invested over 100 hours and helped peers find their purpose. Your confidence radiates on the Tennis courts, down the ski slopes, and through the words you weave, capturing what truly matters.

Arantza Pereira
Fiercely independent and wise beyond your years, you are rightfully proud to chart your own course. A future poli-sci scholar, you juggle piano lessons, Soccer practices, multiple jobs, and multiple languages, doing more in a day than most adults. Your thoughtful PlatFORUM workshops and leadership in the Respectful Discourse Club reflect your desire to make a difference in the world.

Grayson Perkins
You are a true Renaissance man with a diverse range of passions and talents, from your skills on the Baseball field to your love of fantasy football. As a Super Lifer, you have demonstrated consistent enthusiasm for everything you do. Whether exploring the great outdoors or pursuing creative hobbies like ceramics and photography, you approach each new endeavor with curiosity and passion.

Katherine Pulido
Leader of HOPE, FACES, and countless classroom discussions, your intellectual curiosity and courage to make a difference in the lives of others inspires us. On the Volleyball and Tennis courts you showcase your confidence under pressure. A CA Super Lifer, your ability to see the beauty in physics and create deep connections to the work of T.S. Eliot in AP Lit makes you a true liberal arts superstar.

Brayden Ramseier
Inclusive, whip-smart, and kind, you dive right in to further your learning. Teachers say you have an amazing intellectual spark, think creatively, stay open to feedback, and collaborate with everyone around you. You pushed your boundaries in REDI Lab, served as Co-Editor-in-Chief for the yearbook, and contributed to the Baseball team. With adventure and curiosity as your hallmarks, the world awaits.

Faith Reeman
You returned to CA and jumped fearlessly into classes, athletics, and REDI Lab as if you’d never left. Your fierce independence was something to behold as you sought to break the gender barrier and obtain your pilot’s license. On the Field Hockey pitch, your strength, leadership, and resilience contributed to a fantastic season, but more importantly, you forged connections that will last a lifetime.

Diana Reidy
A bundle of exuberance and energy, teachers say you have a spirit costume for occasions we didn’t even know existed! Through Swiss Semester and REDI Lab, you explored far and wide. Your Portfolio made us stop and think about our relationship to historical works of art. In math class, leading your Field Hockey team, as a devoted CLT, and through C-Club, you foster community and set the tone for your peers.

Sawyer Risch
You have a brilliant, dry sense of humor—Mr. Looper says you can level anyone with just one joke. Teachers love your ability to take on challenges without getting stressed. You aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty for the sake of learning and building community: Geneva Glen, REDI Lab, Dance, Golf, and the Dive team were made better with your presence. In our book, you’ve maxed out the Risch Scale.

Ben Rockmore
Down-to-earth and genuine, you are a true leader with zero pretense. As a Super Lifer with deep CA roots, you have forged your own legacy in the Upper School as “CLT Ben” and in the Metro League as the Boys Soccer Senior of the Year. Whether in the math classroom or in the Rock Band, you push yourself to learn deeply with resilience, positivity, love, and respect for the CA community.

Eli Rudy
You more than made up for lost time, quickly forging a deep legacy in the CA community. You even brought the spirit of Dripping Springs, Texas football to the Ultimate Frisbee field. Inclusive Baseball teammate, leader by example, and excellent big brother, you dived head first into challenges like Chinese, Philosophy and Lit, where Mr. Holland calls you “a big thinker and a real gem. Curious and kind.”

Elliot Rutherford
Your leadership has impacted the Lacrosse field, the ice rink, the English classroom, and physics lab. With an engineer’s mind, you are calculated, wise, and passionate about your studies—the paragon of a hardworking student motivated by a genuine desire to learn. Zach Hills Award winner and recently recognized All-American, you’re the perfect blend of studious and fierce.

Jo Rydberg
We sleep easier knowing people like you are intent on working in education. Caring Horizons instructor and middle school intern, skilled CLT-er and Swim team Captain, Super Lifer, star Chanteur, pianist, and Cindy Jordan Award winner (let’s not forget Knockout organizer, supreme!), you blend it all—smarts, kindness, joy, and a healthy dose of laughter. (And yes, we plan to hire you someday!)

Heidi Schmid
With courage and curiosity, you dive into everything from musicals to Mathnasium, and bring purpose to each endeavor. In CLT and Ultimate Frisbee, you foster community and spread joy. In class and Mock Trial, you show up and lead with genuine excitement and bring others into your zone, earning the Social Studies Award for Excellence. Beloved sister, daughter, and niece, you remain devoted to family and community.

Calvin Schumacher
Since you arrived in Pre-K, you’ve rolled up your sleeves and used your hands to get to work, from science labs to the ceramics studio to the Lacrosse field. With your designer’s eye and a builder’s vision, we know you will excel in your career. A long-time fosterer of furry friends, your sensitive soul also cares for your family, and we have loved watching you come into your own.

Danielle Seaton
An intrepid traveler who has a passion for the outdoors, we may find you fishing in freezing conditions or scaling a Fourteener—nature is your happy place. After 14 years with our community, you have left an indelible mark. In the Wilderness First Responders Program as part of your REDI Lab project, you led by example with courage and curiosity.

Lola Sehl
You fearlessly scaled new heights on the Climbing team and your creativity flowed effortlessly to craft captivating narratives. A thoughtful community member through and through, we can always count on your colorful flair to brighten our day. Serving up double scoops at Bonnie Brae Ice Cream or helping a family give an animal their forever home at Denver Cat Cafe, your strong work ethic and empathy are infectious.

Desi Silverman-Joseph
Everything you do is magic: you dazzle on the piano, are graceful with a pen, and embody the CA mission at every turn. Griggs-Dayton Spanish Award winner, teachers say you’ve fooled native speakers. We were awed by your piano performances, earning you awards for your rare gift for music. Your warm empathy, collaborative energy, and inspiring leadership will truly be missed. Profound, humble, and unflappable.

Andrew Smart
Your ingenuity and innovation were demonstrated by the creation of your own AI, affectionately named “Brad,” showcasing your talent in the realm of math, computer science, and technology. With a mind like a sponge, you retain information like a pro while keeping in mind the bigger picture. Kind, confident, and caring, you are always helping others at home, in the classroom, and on the turf.

Bowen Smith
As a Super Lifer, you care deeply about CA, always putting others before yourself; you even show up early to shovel Ms. Sarles’s driveway as part of your Bow Mar business! On C-Club you are a serious leader who aims to set the right tone school-wide, and in Soccer, Coach Bernstein calls you fiercely competitive and calm under pressure. Your tinkering skills and sharp mind point to a bright entrepreneurial future.

Noah Sohn
Your peers voted you Commencement Speaker for a reason. For one, you are wicked smart. You are also a Super Lifer, a phenomenal writer (beloved for your “old cursive-like” font!) and a stunning Portfolio artist, even apprenticing in Mexico and teaching kids at Museo de las Americas. English Award recipient, classmates and teammates look up to you. Curious to the core, you want to try everything in life, and will.

Charlotte Sovka
A Neustadt fellow, Swim team anchor, pianist, and skilled artist, your meticulous charcoal drawings in your Portfolio were stunning and your reflections on T.S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets” reveal your ability to join disciplines together. From your roots in Canada to your art history travels in Italy, you are a worldly and deep thinker. As Mr. Mills says, “when you speak, people listen!”

Bennett Spruell
Teachers call you a brilliant thinker who shows up ready to learn, dive deep, and solidify your understanding. Ms. Betz says, “classmates come to you for help and support, and you offer it gladly, in a manner devoid of judgment.” Talented filmmaker and Lacrosse Captain, you lead with sincere gratitude, a down-to-earth attitude, and on a quest to leave each community better than you found it.

Asher Stull
Open-minded, kind, and hardworking, you give it your all, whether in the classroom or as a four-year member of the Hockey and Lacrosse teams. You volunteered as a lacrosse coach for Horizons, fell in love with writing and filmmaking, and pushed yourself to grow each day. You not only hear feedback, but you actively apply it with dedication, care, and courage—this growth mindset leaves a lasting legacy.

Owen Tilman
Wicked smart, with legendary powers of articulation, you have developed a compelling voice. Through Mock Congress, leading and growing Speech and Debate Society, registering voters, and as a multi-year National Debate qualifier, you win over others by challenging your own thinking and empathizing with all sides. Opponents say you “speak in cursive.” Philosopher, mathematician, actor, loving older brother, you make a difference.

J.T. Timmers
You jump from the stage as tap-dancing Burt and sweet-singing Sam, to the Golf tee and Ultimate field as a four-sport athlete and Simms Alumni Award-winner. Is there anything you don’t lead? Mock Trial, Ethics Bowl, Amnesty, Choir—Ms. Pérez had to build the club schedule around you! You embody your Chris Babbs Leadership Award. Above all, your philosopher’s eye pushes you beyond the curriculum to reach true understanding.

Bradley Troyer
You approach school like a Cross-Country race, says Mrs. Sampson: you think about your goal, map out a route, and plan your approach. Even while you arrive first to campus each day and speed through our most difficult STEM classes, you slow down and embrace the quiet mind of a fisherman, steady and quiet on your feet, taking it all in at the river. We are proud to see you serve our country.

J.C. Turner
You are passionate, fearless, and truly interested in understanding the ever-polarizing world around you. A deep thinker and gifted student, your teachers love your curiosity and willingness to take a leap of faith while staying true to yourself. You are a committed Tennis player, CLT leader, and friend. Your authenticity and honest nature radiates in everything you do.

Maya Vendhan
Your intelligence and passion are humbling. From Science Award to the Richard Kelly Award, from NCWIT to Amnesty International, Scholastics, theater, and Girls in STEM, your accolades exist on a scale of epic proportions. We think you are destined to create a new branch of math. And yet, with humor and kindness, you enjoy friends and thank your teachers each day. Congratulations on being named a Coca-Cola Scholar.

Jamie Wallace
“Strength and resilience personified,” teachers say. With your sense of humor and soliloquy of great ideas, you never just participate. Instead, you are fearless in speaking your mind. With a menagerie of animals that inhabit your home, your generosity knows no bounds. Prop master, theater technician, Super Lifer, origami aficionado, GSA leader, and Courage Award Winner, CA is a better place because of you.

Ella Walsh
You arrived in Eleventh Grade, yet we feel that you’ve been here all along. English and Computer Science Award winner, you are a Renaissance scholar. Whether exploring particle physics, late-night Mock Trial practice, crafting your art Portfolio, diving for a Frisbee, or climbing high, you continue to scale unknown terrain with determination and joy. Loving older sister and Buddy to your Kindergartener, you lift others on your way up.

Kai Wang
Madame Debord gave you our French Peggycita-Hill Award and exclaims, “students like Kai make me not want to retire!” You love big philosophical questions but also jump to take meaningful action, shown through your work with Aurora Teen Court and the International Rescue Committee. Your talents shine on the Tennis court, in Mock Trial, and as a thoughtful CLT. Lover and collector of stories, you are simply a delight.

Tanner Wells
A genuine, kind, and principled student who loves to learn, you impress teachers with your understated manner. You are at home in the ocean observing marine life, and have excelled in science classes, boding well for your success in the STEM fields that compel you. You have also grown as a leader, starting Modern Society Club and coaching at First Tee, and thriving as the Class of 2023 Knockout winner!

Madeleine Worrall
Always willing to put in the extra work, your focus and quick wit bring powerful contributions to the classroom and our community. You “killed it” in She Kills Monsters, fed us with your Edible Herb Garden, and serenaded us with your harp's elegant, flowing sounds. Musician, poet, loyal friend, and scholar, you gave your whole self.

Ana Yanez
You embody CA’s mission and thoughtfully lead us as CC Co-President, CLT, and as a National Ethics Bowl Advisory Board member. In your work with SDLC and FACES, you champion inclusivity. Ms. Sitja calls you “one of those students that makes you feel hopeful about the future!” Winner of the Courage Award, fearless, with intellectual chops, we are proud of the multifaceted powerhouse and leader you are.

Sasha Yuffa
Dancer, singer, actress, and passionate makeup artist, we’ve seen your talent blossom from Pre-K and every year since. With grace, you effortlessly transition from one artistic realm to another, leaving us captivated. On the Ultimate field, you showcase your athletic prowess and investment in the team. As the recipient of the Dance Award, you shine, reminding us that true artistry comes from within.