Annelise Agelopoulos
Instead of stepping back, you stepped up. Two torn ACLs propelled you from the world of Field Hockey into many other realms. Voracious reader, passionate student of history, actress, Philanthropy Board leader, you engage all parts of the conversation, driving inquiry and debate. As you stride into the next phase of your life, we know you will serve our country with pride.

Jordan Alexander
Whether rallying your peers in advisory, sprinting in cowboy boots, or amplifying school spirit through C-Club, you are the loudest cheerleader in every room. Your contagious joy was clear to us each time you lingered after class or greeted younger students in the hallways. Star Volleyball player, photographer, extraordinary friend, one serve after another, you strike that ace.

Sami Azam
You are everywhere all at once: at the speed of lightning, you race down ski slopes and freestyle through a range of difficult classes. In slower moments, you perfected your photography technique and developed an encyclopedic knowledge of cars. With a smile that beams near and far, you connect with peers and teachers, keeping people and learning at the center.

Christian Barnard
Actor extraordinaire, kind and courteous human being, you may have the best manners in your generation. Faculty have appreciated not only your sincere interest in and curiosity for their teaching, but also the gratitude that you have shown with a handshake after each class. On stage you have reduced audience members to tears, even while speaking through a mask. Play on, young bard!

Charles Beasley
Genuine, loyal, and, Ms. Meyers says, “so, so sweet,” you are always willing to be vulnerable. As Co-Captain of the Lacrosse Team, you lead with both competitive fire and heart. While coaching Fifth Graders, you are observant, always thinking about how to guide kids to their best. Great brother, committed athlete, and so loyal to your beloved golden retriever, you made it count.

Helen Blake
Our Chris Babbs Award winner, you have been so many things to so many people. A leader who does what’s right even when it’s hard. A budding scientist who can write a novel and code pastel colors into a CS assignment. A Mathnasium tutor who guides with kindness, a Mock Trial contender who argues with fortitude, and a Book Club president who makes us all want to read more. You insert joy everywhere.

Walker Briggs
Caring deeply about social justice and the values of the CA community, you are an important bridge-builder in your class. Your skills also extend to woodworking, where you have started your own business. Your teachers appreciate your keen observations about human behavior and the purposeful way you live your life, perhaps epitomized by your long commitment to and Co-Presidency of HOPE.

Hayden Brigham
With an eye for invention, you tinker, forge, and create. Teachers say that you are intentionally interested in everything you do. Through REDI Lab, you pursued your curiosity about Non-Fungible Tokens and piqued ours as well. Broken bones (all six of them!), didn’t hold you back. Each day at school and each afternoon on the Soccer pitch, your humble persistence shines.

Ann Butler
A super lifer and the queen of Goodwill thrifting, you are a champion mental health advocate at Robbie’s Hope, in PlatFORUM, and in REDI Lab. Portfolio artist, Kokopelli leader, Varsity Tennis player, and dedicated scholar, you dream of being a CEO someday and will surely elevate the stature of women in the business world. You think big, speak with conviction, and always land on your feet.

Samuel Ceraso
A versatile student of advanced math, sciences, and even Chinese, you love to engage and grow. Teachers appreciate your understated sense of humor and your ability to think creatively in problem-solving. Even while playing saxophone in Jazz Band and out on the golf course, you have demonstrated good tempo and a steady swing! Your no-nonsense persistence will take you far.

Keegan Coatsworth
A friendly force, you make everyone feel valued. With the passion of a Nittany Lion, you threw yourself onto the Basketball court and always went for the fast break. In film portfolio, your creative side shined as you honed your craft. Teachers say, “everything fills you with wonder.” Leader of Haiti Club, outdoorsman, steward of the environment, you care for our world.

Yenenesh Cohen
Joy and exuberance personified, nothing gets you down! With a sparkle in your eye, a sly sense of humor, and that unbridled energy, you brighten our days as we watch you float with ease between groups, from your CLT first-years, to Tennis teammates, to physiology lab partners. Resilient and unfazed by the bumps in life, we can’t wait to watch your future unfold.

Jack Cook
Our resident scientist-philosopher, we find you everywhere: pitching from the mound, studying nanotechnology, snapping photos for portfolio, directing at HOPE, and heading to the hills to fish every second you get. Teachers love your wry humor, your “wicked” smarts, your never-ending modesty, and your good, good heart. A tower of strength, you take care of those around you.

Elliott Cravitz
As Coach Hyatt said, you bring honesty, integrity, and excellence to everything you do. We counted on you to lead our classrooms and our Basketball Team with ambition and patience. Every day, you are a true student-athlete, worthy of your Captain’s Award: you offer intellectual camaraderie, extraordinary talent, and hard work. You are respectful of and respected by the entire CA community.

Imad Dar
Grace under pressure, you delivered a Senior speech with masterful poise. Your passion for math continues to grow, you converse with ease on current events, you dart on Soccer fields, dazzle in violin recitals, and lend a hand at HOPE, showing us just how human you are. Above all, you remain dedicated to your family as a caring son, brother, and cousin.

James Dean
A dapper bowtie, snazzy socks, and beaming grin belie your seriousness of purpose. Super lifer and social justice champion, you never sit in judgment. Joyful camp counselor and Cindy Jordan Music Award winner, you are a connector who spreads positivity. CLT, HOPE, PlatFORUM, even Racquetball nationals have been touched by your authenticity. We know your dad would be proud.

Luke Donaldson-Reid
Anyone need a goalie? We know you’ll step in! You bring the fun—to your CLT group, to the Soccer Team, to the Tiny Earth lab, and to the small campers you corral each summer. Teachers recognize the role you play as an anchor in class, a leader who sets the right tone, and a kind friend to all. Warmth, humanity, with a sprinkle of mischievous humor—the combo is vintage LDR.

Andrew Edelmann
A positive force, you are always willing to try something new and bring others into the fold. From your REDI Lab experience in which you designed a sound box for guitars, to your passionate interest in filmmaking, to your leadership of the Business and Entrepreneurship Club. You bring that same curiosity and energy to your classes, where you raise your hand with delightful exuberance.

Emma Ezrine
You have been called the perfect blend of optimism, compassion, and confidence, and yet you are so down-to-earth. One teacher even compared you to a hummingbird, sweet but very determined. In our classrooms and on our athletic fields, as the recipient of the Captain’s Award in Field Hockey, as a mathematician, scholar, and CLT role model, your heart guides you forward.

Annaliese Falci
We imagine that few people know you are already an accomplished novelist, but now the secret is out! One of your English teachers calls you a very talented author and reader. Whether on the competitive hip-hop stage, perfecting your Spanish, or co-founding Booties for Babies, you put your best self forward. We are proud to see you swing, write, and run towards your dreams.

Avery Farmer
The best kind of teammate, you bring a can-do attitude to our community each day and bring out the best in others. On the field, on the Tennis court, and in the pool, your calm intuition leads the way. Even as you appear serene on the surface, beneath the water you swim a mile a minute, supporting others and growing academically. Your thoughtful voice has emerged.

Stella Fenton
You are not just the center back of CA’s Soccer Team; you are a beloved friend who can make anyone laugh, a student who’s earned teachers’ respect (not just for handstands in class!), an athlete who wows the sidelines and earned the Captain’s Award, and a C-Club leader who writes Knockout tributes like nobody’s business. You are a role model, embodying confidence, but never arrogance.

Braden Fitzpatrick
Mr. Robotics, you are a club leader, a tech whiz, and a stage manager of countless productions, even making Mary Poppins fly! Your Tech Theater Award this spring came as no surprise. When the pandemic hit, you got busy, founding a non-profit to refurbish old electronics, and in REDI Lab, you transformed some of them into art. Big-picture thinker, master tinkerer, and creative entrepreneur.

Carson Frank
Hard-working and sincere, you have proved your mettle. One of your teachers praises your strong presence, never raising your voice but always commanding full attention when you speak. As a musician, audio engineer, and committed Lacrosse player, you are louder, producing your own sounds by recording an album with your band and performing with grit on the field.

Carter Frankum
“Is there a nicer person on the planet?” asks Ms. Meyers. Your genuine warmth and enthusiasm is known far and wide, from CLT to Yearbook to your summer enrollees at Camp Frankum. You balance the joy of a Kindergartner with serious focus, leading chem labs and giving high fives in math class, even hunting, fishing, and gardening with passion. You bring humor and heart.

Jack Gerber
You leap into any situation, confident and eager to connect and learn from others. A natural athlete with competitive fire, on the Lacrosse field you lead and raise the bar. Your devotion to New York Bagel might be rivaled only by your devotion to sports. Through Ice Hockey and on the Golf green, you are the clutch player who comes through for the team.

Paige Gillespie
From El Paso in Ninth Grade to the Black Box Theater and CLT as a Senior, you make others feel better when you’re around. You keep cool under pressure on the Volleyball court, says your coach, ready to play any position and “rock it.” In class you engage, asking great questions and cultivating a caring environment. And with that high E.Q., we know you will excel in business.

Levi Gillis
Though polite and humble, you also know not to take yourself too seriously. After all, you did proudly start our “Nerd Club.” As a student, you are playfully persistent in social studies and while editing and re-editing your notable films. As Captain of the Tennis Team, you have also demonstrated your competitive savvy. On top of it all, the care you have shown for others has not gone unnoticed.

Sophia Giordano
Through careful planning, blueprints, and moments of pure inspiration, you have been the architect of your experience. Your portfolio led us into your peaceful imaginary space. As the proverbial big sister, you’ve taken younger students and athletes under your wing and helped them find their inner strength. We know that you will build the world of your dreams.

Audrey Gordon
Quiet confidence, boundless energy. You pop up everywhere with a smile, producing a gorgeous portfolio show and serving as a standout CLT mentor and expert witness on Mock Trial. Your focus in class is also laser sharp, your career goals at the forefront of your mind. Deeply caring, you lead your Booties for Babies club, direct games at HOPE, and are a loyal friend.

Gabriel Gottlob
Curious, self-directed, and with an E.Q. off the charts, you approach the world with an open mind. In the classroom, teachers say that you see the big picture. Your dynamite skills in math, physics, and computer science inspire peers. On the Tennis courts, or even during a game of pick-up or spikeball, you connect meaningfully with others. You remember what truly matters.

Ben Greenberg
In the first inning or the ninth, you always step up to the plate. At school, we’ve seen your quick footwork in Tiny Earth and math, and when you gush about Star Wars, we delight to see that you’re full of surprises. From the outfield, or right on the pitching mound, you support your Baseball teammates and lead as Captain with pride. Wonderful son, brother, and devoted dog dad, you are a spark of kindness.

Sean Gregg
From screen to stage, you do it all. We see you come alive when you’re working on films and writing some, too. Your instrumental repertoire is as eclectic as the many places you’ve called home in your lifetime. Adaptable, creative, you settled here at CA and launched yourself into our music program, across our Racquetball courts, and even into our hearts with your sincere Senior Speech.

Erick Hernandez
A ray of sunshine. Teachers say that you cultivate a fun and engaging dynamic because you’re always invested in learning and invested in others. Through CLT and C-Club, you guide and uplift our whole community. On the Lacrosse and Soccer fields, and in our classrooms, you embody the values of the Simms Alumni Award. Loving big brother, helpful son, you are CA.

Gavin Hewitt
Lover of the outdoors and all things natural sciences, you give new meaning to the expression “down-to-earth.” Even during the summer months, you dug trenches at your childhood summer camp. Several of your teachers have also called you “the ideal team player,” praising your ability to listen and draw on your classmates’ observations in your own reflections.

Jayden Hill
Your commitment to your family, to your growth, and to CA has compelled you to give your all, no matter what the circumstance. You are one of the most resilient members of your class. Steadfast in your dedication to Basketball, you helped your team achieve success. With peers, you make deep connections. Teachers say you are nothing less than a young person of great character and great devotion.

Alexander Hindes
Across the net, you live up to your nickname and “Smush” the competition. From Tennis to Racquetball, and even ping-pong in advisory, you serve up good energy and camaraderie. You’ve reached levels of independence that are rare for your age and, in the process, discovered your academic chops and personal beliefs. Through CLT, you helped younger students do the same.

Hadley Hodgson
Selfless and kind, as Yearbook editor you took on one of the most demanding roles at CA and made it all happen. Quick with a smile, you befriend new students and support the Volleyball team as manager, while also serving as an anchor puzzler in the Senior lounge and summer ranch-hand who’s ready to roll up her sleeves and dive in. Your growth has been a joy to watch.

Jack Hudson
Balanced on your skateboard, flying down the road, you’ve gained more and more momentum along the way here at CA. Peers and younger students say that you are known for always being happy, easygoing, and kind. You are also an inquisitive, hardworking student, especially in your favorite subjects, math and science. The coastal surf waters await!

Zara Husain
The quintessential Sugar Plum Fairy: poised, you leap across the stage and pirouette through difficult classes with ease. Teachers say you are both unbelievably smart and incredibly humble, always interested in trying something new and ‘leveling up.’ Science and Math Award winner, committed hospital volunteer, lyrical mind, you transcend limits through a constant cycle of inspiration.

Campbell Isherwood
You arrived as a Sophomore and blended seamlessly with your academic drive and laid-back charm. Each year you double up in science, fueled by the curious mind of a researcher. And this year your Last Resort photos quickly became a most-talked-about gallery show. Beyond CA, you’ve made a lasting impact in Colorado Youth Congress with your commitment to inclusivity.

Bridget Jeffries
Painter, crafter, and sewer, you bring creativity to everything, from REDI Lab, to your interpretation of class projects, to your role as HOPE clothing director. Whether fostering four-legged pups, tutoring children, or drawing in metaphorical lost ducklings through CLT, you show constant kindness and care. Studio Art Award winner and devoted friend, you have defined your CA experience.

Davis Johnson
You show up with a cheerful smile and a heart of gold. Teachers praise your team-player mindset. As Tennis Doubles State Champion, you enjoyed the victory and also the dramatic haircut to match. Your memorable performance piece helped us appreciate the visceral challenges of Baseball pitchers. Loving brother, outdoorsman, golfer, Athlete of the Year, you did it all, and in cowboy boots.

Maya Kendall
Fierce on the turf and a Senior Athlete of the Year, opponents know to get out of your way, and teammates know you’ve got their backs. A force of nature in class as well, your peers turn to you. You brought your creativity to the photo lab and your super powers of discipline to the big job of HOPE Co-President, revealing your leadership strength. Fully “dialed in,” you chart your course.

Lee Kenney
Every class has a student who is unafraid of being their most authentic self, and you are that person this year. With your infectious enthusiasm for all of your classes, your leadership of CA clubs, your many performances on our stages, your prize-winning participation in Mock Trial, and yes, even your daily routine of bringing stuffed animal companions to school, you remain true to yourself.

Holden Koch
Your willingness to speak your mind openly is perhaps your most laudable quality, combined with your wry sense of humor that makes the discussions that follow all the more thought-provoking. Your leadership on the Tennis and Racquetball courts has also served as an example for others. The CA community has learned from you, and for that we are grateful.

Karen De LaO
A deep thinker and a mature presence here at CA, you have built many bridges between your life here and your life in Mexico, and you have remained committed to your family. Even your REDI Lab project showed your dedication to your artistic heritage. You are a poet in the way you express yourself, and your patient leadership has provided inspiration to many.

Michael Malley
A breath of fresh air, you are the MC of your advisory and an aspiring entrepreneur, putting yourself out there at every turn. In FACES, PlatFORUM, CLT, and Senior Seminar, you are also a deep thinker, someone who grapples with the big issues, and when you speak, people listen. A perfect blend of wise maturity and boyish charisma, faculty want their sons to grow up like you!

Julie Marwan
Outwardly serene but a whirlwind of energy inside, your color-coded notes and high level of organization blew us away. You bring an international perspective to your work, and your love of learning in three different languages has taken your natural curiosity in many directions. Through PlatFORUM, SDLC, and leading FACES, you have shown your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Grace McHugh
You hold your own. Confident, you dived into our arts program and emerged a talented filmmaker and digital artist. Your creative, free-flowing side is balanced by your determination as a Field Hockey and Tennis player. Through REDI Lab and Haiti Club, you expanded your worldview, learned about yourself, and connected with others. Your vision is as perceptive as your spirit.

Madeleine McKean
That easygoing smile and positive energy in the hallways reminds us of how much you anchor your class. Your creativity in theater has been a treat to watch, as has your research in Tiny Earth and captaining of JV Volleyball. An amazing big sister and devoted friend who always has a kind word for peers, your down-to-earth approach spreads joy.

Robert McKee
You came midway through Tenth Grade and normed to CA’s culture with grace. Fierce in the paint, you go to war for your teammates, and then serve as a caring mother hen off the court. Deceptively casual, teachers know you are smart as a whip. You helped create Full Court Peace, have launched entrepreneurial ventures since you were seven, and will take the business world by storm.

Clare Milligan
Whether Irish step-dancing or in a Lincoln-Douglas debate, you are quick on your feet. Super smart and determined, you conquered computer science and social studies alike, even earning a well-deserved award from that department. Your Reading Buddies program connected you with younger students, and your lead-by-example approach resonated across campus.

William Montgomery
One of the most well-read and informed students in any seminar discussion, some call you a walking encyclopedia! You are also an intuitive mathematician, a talented portfolio artist, and even a published researcher and medical volunteer in Central America. But we are struck most by your heart—no matter the injury, you are at every practice and every game, cheering your teammates.

Jaden Moore
Social justice activist and advocate, passionate artist, writer, CLT mentor, storyteller, Chinese scholar, Volleyball teammate, Yearbook co-editor extraordinaire, you are never merely defined by your superpowers. Wise beyond your years, you channel your empathy and creative energy into everything you do. We are better because you pushed us to listen, to think, and to dream bigger.

Aileen Murillo
You may be the most powerful person on Earth. An eloquent writer, thoughtful artist, formidable thinker, and our Spanish Award winner, your creativity towers, as does your work ethic. A wonderful big sister and friend, your heart is just as large. We knew early on you were determined to push beyond limits and succeed. With humility and tenacity, you simply get it done.

Casey Myers
Dr. Davis’s Courage Award says it all. You are cherished for your signature positivity, that incredible talent in violin and theater, your inspiring Senior Speech, plus some impressive fitness records with Wes and that killer Scottish accent in The 39 Steps! Fierce and fearless, kind and compassionate, you compete in Sled Hockey championships with as much heart as you are a devoted big brother and son.

Grant Nelligan
Whether coaching a gaggle of grade school Lacrosse players, or herding a family of five ducklings, you chart the right course. While patiently managing all the chirping and spilled water bowls, you also perfected essential skills necessary to be a team player and even a great older sibling. Landscaping entrepreneur, tree house designer, star athlete. Like those ducklings, you have imprinted on our community.

Carson Okazaki
From writing powerfully in Indian Lit, to thinking creatively in Entrepreneurial Mindset, to thriving in the sciences you love, you process your learning thoughtfully and mindfully. Your advisor says you do the right thing because it’s the right thing. A video portfolio artist and aspiring chemical engineer, you are interested in so many things and excel without the need for fanfare.

Jack Pashel
A stand-up guy, your advisor says you’ll do anything for anybody. Captain in Ice Hockey and Golf and a Zach Hills Award winner, you lead teammates with grace and rally fans through C-Club. Dazzling saxophonist and jazz aficionado, you’ve played at countless events. Lover of literature, you contemplate humanity like a true scholar. Arts, athletics, and academics—you do it all with flair.

Coulter Perkins
Perceptive with reservoirs of calm, you poured yourself into physics, math, and social studies, and won this year’s French Award. Your sense of adventure inspired you to take on Switzerland, design and build an elaborate bat house, and always go the extra mile. Even as you sped across campus during Knockout, fished, golfed, and cherished moments in the outdoors, you remained on solid ground.

Sawyer Pinkowitz
Like any gifted drummer, you appear to be all improv, but in reality you practice and prepare. In Jazz Band and Chinese, you embraced the “ah-ha” moments and pushed yourself to grow, always savoring the rhythms of music and language. Ms. Wei calls you a “chatterbox” (in Chinese and English); you connect with others and extend friendship to every corner of campus.

Sarah Preston
A giver at heart, kindness personified, and with mature openness that transcends your age, you are in it for the right reasons. As a camp counselor, CLT mentor, and through Speech & Debate, you help others find their voice. Your leadership as Tennis Captain rallied your team. And your photography portfolio reminded us how much you value generations of human connection.

Cooper Quatrochi
You are the glue guy who brings people together on the Basketball court and beyond; a curious intellectual, your advisor says you’d take 11 classes if you could! You help run Full Court Peace and teach inclusion in Middle School workshops. Your admissions tours make all feel welcome, and your music entertains at every event. (Guitar, sax, drums, piano, bass—is there any instrument you don’t play?)

Lucille Rakowski
Cool under pressure and always above the fray, you embody CA’s mission. You glide in the swimming pool as smoothly as you formulate a calculus proof, speeding your way through, but making it look easy. Whether you’re lifeguarding, mentoring through CLT, connecting with friends and family, or making hundreds of sandwiches each week, you show up in all the ways that truly count.

Brooks Rhine
An athlete who players want to play with and opponents do not want to play against, from the Hockey rink to the Lacrosse field, you have your team’s back and the heart to back them up. In classrooms, too, beneath that calm demeanor, your hard work and effort earns you respect. Kind, thoughtful, and so easy for teachers or coaches to work with, you will be missed.

Benjamin Richards
All music ALL the time, from jazz to funk to rock. With your many instruments and van in tow (plus Mr. Jones’s “guitar god hair”), we feel lucky to be your audience. You have gifted us with so many performances, but you have also been a treat in the classroom with your smarts and curiosity, creating independent studies that expand boundaries. Best of all, you are comfortable with who you are.

Morgan Romine
Confident, forthright, self-aware, you get straight to the point. Yet friends say you are oh, so loyal and always have their back. Teachers enjoy that you love to think critically and speak boldly. Through Soccer, Mock Trial, and while scooping ice cream, you have grabbed the reins and taken charge. Each time you enter a room, the sparkle in your eye reminds us that you mean business!

Wyatt Rubey
With an upbeat and curious attitude, you set the tone. Teachers say that you “devour books” and push yourself out of your comfort zone. In Tenth Grade, you embraced the adventure of studying in England, and you became the first female in your Boy Scout troop to attain the rank of Eagle, making the most of your Jennifer Wu Fellowship. You are wise beyond your years.

Joie Ruble
Even as a Ninth Grader you showed your big heart in El Paso while playing with children, and you are comfortable in any environment, including while communicating with your Spanish family in their language. Extremely thoughtful, always asking how your friends and teachers are doing, in these ways and more you have helped build a strong sense of community in your class.

Abigail Shapiro
With a spoon full of sugar, you elevated our classrooms, Mock Trial courtrooms, CLT, and even yourself on stage as Mary Poppins. Powerful speaker, flautist, actress, and English Award winner, teachers say that your voice is exactly like it was back in First Grade: front and center. And among friends, you are the voice of reason. A charismatic tornado who wants to do everything and actually can, the world is your stage.

Wynn Sharp
You speak softly, but everything you say is meaningful. With unbridled joy you soak up learning. Your leadership spans campus, from CLT to PlatFORUM, from GSA to REDI Lab, and your awards have piled up, from Mock Trial Star Witness to French Department recognition. You are a force for good in the world, asking the important questions and pushing others to dig deeper.

Cole Siegler
We remember when you arrived on Zoom and made us laugh. We remember how you asked probing questions with earnest intention. We remember how you go the distance for people you barely know, even building a fly-fishing kit for an eager camper. Friends say that at some point you’ve helped them navigate through difficult times. Athlete, humanist, you are ready to cast a new line.

Emily Silliman
Low-key and humble, you write with eloquence and play Lacrosse with ferocity. A CLT mentor and Senior Athlete of the Year, you’re a superstar on the field, but we never hear you boast about it; instead we see and hear you supporting your teammates, classmates, and family. Resilient in spades, you never give up, and you recognize the power of human connection.

Peter Skinner
Peers say that you are “solid gold,” eager and personable. Your toughness on the Hockey rink and Lacrosse field is belied by your warmth. Your teachers respect your desire to go deep and truly understand the material, along with your enthusiastic interest in any subject. But what we will miss the most is the strength of character that you bring to CA, to coaching kids, and to everything you do.

Sofia Skipwith
You arrive to class and sit front and center, ready to learn. You arrive to CC meetings, ready to lead as Co-President and mentor younger students. Your hyper focus has propelled you far, from your cool REDI Lab project on interior design to success on Cross Country trails and Tennis courts. Without complaint, you put your head down and get the job done.

Ryan Strong
While your chess prowess may be the envy of your classmates, we have never heard you brag about that, or Baseball, or Soccer, or anything else for the record. So attentive, so present, you listen with rapt ears, and your determination made you a force in calculus. Whether climbing ’14ers, coding through the day, or mastering music theory, you are a lifelong explorer.

Morgan Taylor
With a mind that moves a mile a minute, and a passion for understanding everything about everything, you did it all. From Ethics Bowl to ACSL, Mock Trial to Mrs. Banks, you took 39 Steps in every direction. And yet each day you made time to greet us with a friendly hello, a moment of cartoon humor, and, if we were lucky, a playful Scottish accent. Your zest for learning and life knows no bounds.

Maude Tetzeli
At the mere mention of your name, faculty clutch their hearts and sigh. A meticulous scholar, “You leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of knowledge,” wrote Mr. Simmons. Your meaningful contributions to our classrooms and to CLT, Reading Buddies, Philanthropy Board, Swimming and Tennis, and most notably as Co-President of HOPE are too numerous to count. Thank you for your Commencement Speech.

Grace Trembath
With a remarkable artistic eye, your photography captures us, and with elegant words, your writing reveals your creative mind. You follow your own groove, nerd out on science, articulate on Mock Trial, and are unapologetically yourself. A true scholar (a teacher says you’ve been a grad student masquerading as a high schooler for years!), and a devoted daughter, sister, and friend.

Barrett Trigg
You picked up that Field Hockey stick in Ninth Grade, and your life was forever changed. A standout multi-sport athlete and now Division I player, you match great athleticism with impeccable character, and this combination has earned you the Zach Hills Award. In physics and math, teachers say you bring more intellectual curiosity than ego. Always, you lead by example.

Nathaniel Truong
When you enter a room, you give your whole self. On Zoom or in class, in Mock Trial or on stage, you step into the spotlight and step up for others. Teachers say your “try anything” attitude is rooted in courage, the courage to be vulnerable. Devoted CLT, you offer Ninth Graders your generous, patient ear. While we so often receive your expressions of gratitude, today we are grateful for you.

Frederic Turnage
Steady and strong, you dig in and inspire others to do the same. Mr. Hammer says you simply “get math,” and Ms. Zranchev says you draw peers into your learning journey. On the Basketball court and the Golf green, your keen analytical mind gets to work calculating the best angle and the correct force. There you’ve led your team to victory as Co-Captain, always with your usual humble power.

Caroline Ungar
While you spend lots of time spinning in the air as you compete in big-mountain skiing around the world, back here at CA, your calm wisdom balances us. Your REDI Lab work and film empowering women in extreme sports was inspiring, and your commitment to being true to yourself is refreshing. You do what you love and never get caught up in the busy-ness of it all.

Brooke Wachuta
Your Senior REDI Lab demonstrated your capacity to think big. Intense and hard-working in physiology, Ms. Meyers loves how you motivate your lab partners to be even better. Super athletic on the field, your love of sports has translated into numerous state titles. You go all-in and throw your full energy into your activities as well as supporting others.

Sabrina Wachuta
We admired the way your Senior Speech and REDI Lab project showed your vulnerability and growth. Being a rare 12-trimester athlete reflects your competitive spirit and commitment to your teams. What’s more, your dedication to PlatFORUM expressed your community-minded spirit, and your ceramics portfolio underscored your creative approach to everything you do.

Mary Walker
So eager and willing to jump into challenges, you have found success in class, Mock Trial, Speech & Debate, Kokopelli, and even chamber choir. Your love for the natural world pulls you to the great outdoors. Your passion and advocacy for mental health issues has helped many, and your environmental activism will undoubtedly impact many more.

Skylar Walta
You have challenged yourself, risen to the occasion, and found your voice. Winner of the Writing Award, you have deep insights and thrive when offered the chance to shape your own story. Your contributions to dance, Mock Trial, and FACES affirm your commitment to creating communities of purpose. We will miss the positive and energetic way you inhabit the world.

Nicolas Watters
Is there anyone at CA who doesn’t know and like you? You are a student who holds this community together with your infectious energy, positive attitude, and inclusive leadership. Teachers say you breathe life into class discussions. Talented Soccer player, PlatFORUM presenter, and CA student representative at SDLC, you weave together all parts of your life and infuse them with meaning.

Baillie Weil
With your Senior Speech, you kicked off the year with a bang. With your Jenni Wu presentation, you reminded us of your commitment to justice. With your SEVEN (!) independent studies this spring, you confirmed your willingness to go down the rabbit hole with anyone. Your Basketball teammates will remember your special handshakes, and we will remember your Elsa backpack, strapped on, ready to launch.

Charles Whalen
You may have taken every social studies course at CA. When you love something, you simply cannot get enough. And on top of it, teachers say that you were immune to senioritis! Whether traveling to Madrid and embracing Spanish language study, rounding the Baseball diamond, or leading our Ice Hockey team all the way to State, you remain calm under pressure, yet eager to follow your heart.

William Whalen
Tenacious inside and outside of the classroom, you push yourself on the Tennis courts, leading our Ice Hockey team to State, on CLT, and even while bussing tables for your summer job. When you signed up for an independent study with Ms. Sarles, you relished the challenge of high-level discussions and intense readings. Fiercely loyal, friends say you pull them through each day.

Adeline Williams
“Once you know Adie,” a friend wrote, “you’ll never let her go!” Whip-smart, playful, and a delight to your teachers, advisory, and CLT mentees, you charmed CA. A wizard of words and a natural on stage, you channel even the most complex characters through acting and through your prolific screen and novel writing. Like a true Peggycita-Hill Award recipient, you inspire us with your magic and enormous heart.

Alyssa Wilson
Though you only joined us in Junior year, you made your presence known. Ms. Boes says you are on it and, “don’t waste a single minute.” Your beautiful writing and creative eye enhanced our English classes and art studios. Friends gravitate to your kindness and calm. Genuine, inclusive, you seek connection, play a powerful round of Golf, and remain eager from beginning to end.

Amanda Wilson
The Captain and engine of CA’s Ultimate Frisbee Team, you live and breathe the sport, and your mark on that program will be long lasting. You’re also incredibly kind, joyful, funny and grounded—you’re the one person people hope to get as their first-year roommate! From El Paso and CLT to Race in America and AP Chemistry, you think deeply about concepts and people.

Ahbil Woldeyohannes
Your kindness draws people of all ages into your orbit. On the Basketball court and in the classroom, peers love collaborating with you because your calm energy moves the group forward. Camera in hand, you always look for the right framing. And in life, you know how to find the perfect focal point. With your calm demeanor and a smile that lights up a room, you have embraced CA.

Connor Wolfe
On and off the climbing wall, you reached new heights. Faculty agree that you are simply “super smart,” yet also industrious and passionate. Whether mastering the cello, pondering a challenging essay topic, or slicing on the Tennis court, you harness your power and help others along the way. Chinese Award winner, anchor of every class, you savored the journey.

Zachary Wolkon
When inspiration strikes, you practically leap out of your chair. With your amazing organizational skills, clever humor, and welcoming ease, you pull groups together and towards a common purpose. This has served you well in the classroom, in CLT, and in music, where you are the rock of Rock Band, and a multi-talented, multi-instrument phenom. Original to the core, you are CA.

Jack Younger
You stood up with Bryan Terrell Clark and said, “I’m Jack Younger, and I love math.” But you do SO much more! From excelling in piano competitions and coding new apps, to teaching DPS students in REDI Lab Academy and leading Community Council and Entrepreneurship Club. On the Soccer field, you would run through a wall to get somewhere, and in life, you will go everywhere.