Renna Pauline Allan
Rock star of music, poetry, physics, and math, your intellect illuminated our classrooms, and your talent on the bass guitar and keyboard electrified our stages. With a hop and a click, you tap danced through difficult STEM classes. In Spain and Turkey, you gave your whole self to connect with others. Artist, style icon, scholar, the spotlight is yours.

Eve Ryan Angevine
You bring out the best in those around you. Courageous ambassador on the Spanish exchange, fearless Mock Trial attorney, and collaborative teammate on the Volleyball court, you are infinitely kind, thoughtful, and humble. In your commitment to issues of equity, and your energy to work towards political change, you model what it means to be a citizen of the world.

Riley Everett Barthels
Each day you arrived to class early and eager to engage. In REDI Lab, your vivid imagination transported us. Whether mapping storylines, diving into philosophical questions, plowing through Stephen King novels, or tearing up the dance floor in Colombia, you leaned in with delight. Trusted theater techie, supportive big brother and friend.

Connell Thomas Barton
Your strong moral compass guides the way. From virtual Town Hall and Mock Trial, to your classes and Lacrosse, you are a steadfast teammate and classmate, always willing to step up to improve the experience for others. You love to talk, but more importantly, you love to listen, and by practicing this deep engagement, you’ve left our community better.

Virginia Lucille Beardsley
Determined, independent, you dig in. Your curiosity propels you to work through difficult computer science questions and to craft essays with care. Thirty days in the Alaskan wilderness left you wanting more and thinking deeply about your environmental impact. In Field Hockey and Lacrosse, in HOPE and Children’s Hospital Club, you are a true team player.

Grady Moore Behrhorst
Your smile beams a mile away, and we can’t help but wave back. Spontaneous, yet searching, you embraced opportunities for growth through REDI Lab and developed your voice both in front of and behind the camera. Your work ethic raised the bar in Soccer and Lacrosse. With a heart of gold and creative energy to spare, your joy for life is contagious.

Steven Peter Blattner
Cool under pressure and unafraid to be the underdog, you puzzled through difficult math problems and took up Golf with a can-do attitude. Even as you speed across the ice in Hockey or fly high in a plane, you remain steady on your feet. Your smooth beats on the jazz saxophone embody who you are: playful, witty, sharp.

Marin Belle Bomgaars
Whether storming a field or diving headfirst into a complicated text, you seek out challenges. A “relentless learner,” teachers say. Twice, you made the most of your REDI Lab experience; you became the “Oracle,” both asking and answering questions through big data. Dedicated hospital volunteer and Lacrosse defender, your team-first mindset made you a champion.

Chloe Elizabeth Brants
Boundless energy, boundless warmth, boundless respect for humanity. Teachers call you a “lifelong learner.” In Spanish, REDI Lab, and Mock Trial, you made yourself vulnerable and took risks. You wowed us in Field Hockey and on the flute. Friends say you are their biggest cheerleader, a wonderful CLT, and a beloved big sister.

Lily Katherine Brinker
An adventurous spirit, with a wanderlust for seeing the world, you explored faraway China and honed your language skills in Minnesota. You’re a deep thinker, a committed Amnesty advocate, and the most elegant of writers (even award-winning!), from beautiful poetry to inventive short fiction. With your gentle touch and kind demeanor, you anchor us.

William Harrison Buecking
You are grit personified. After countless injuries and surgeries, you came out stronger and found new pieces of yourself you didn’t even know existed. You led through Project CAre and dived head first into REDI Lab and Speech and Debate. You are creative, compassionate, and build human connection in a way that strengthens the fabric of CA.

Peter Emerson Carpenter
Our intellectual rock, you also raise the bar on human decency. Teachers exclaim: “Nicest.Kid.Ever.” when they hear your name. You are THE heart and soul of the Soccer team, you model empathy in CLT, and you serve on HOPE and ski patrol with your trademark humility. In your environmental artwork and fly-tying on the river, we see your reflective nature and moral force of character.

Henry Page Chesley-Vogels
Master juggler, lover of learning, and true leader, you have the guts to stand up for what is right and the heart to make real change. When COVID hit, you got to work tutoring for Horizons, when there’s a need on the Soccer team, you step in, and on Schotters' steps this spring you enchanted as the musical’s villain. CLT Freshmen, fellow musicians in jazz band and choir, your family—everyone looks up to you.

Meilani Ineke Louise Cole
You lead with your heart, from being the spark of your advisory, fully immersing yourself in El Paso, and building community on the Volleyball team. Your SCUBA diving experience led you to become a passionate environmentalist. We practically ran out of science classes for you to take. You are engaged, curious, and always pushing yourself to improve.

Jordan Alexandra Davidson
“Force of Nature,” teachers say. With intellect and enthusiasm off the charts, you stretched our curriculum to the max and wrote a few novels in your spare time. A leader for Robotics, Mock Trial, and Interfaith Alliance, you balanced courage with vulnerability, inviting productive debate. As you sang and stood in solidarity with others, your powerful voice elevated us all.

Thomas Hubertus Robertus Maria de Leeuw
You arrived in Tenth Grade and dived in without hesitation. World traveler and global citizen, you taught us an international vocabulary for math and brought new perspectives to the classroom. On the Soccer field, you emerge from every tackle with the ball in your possession. We hope CA will always be your home away from home.

Ella Marie DelZotto
With laser focus you take our toughest classes, you enter our doors each day with a joyful smile, and you are one of the most engaged students we encounter in the hallways. You give generously on CLT and in your charity work in Tijuana, helping both Freshmen and families build a new home. Your down-to-earth Canadian roots remind us what’s important.

Nicholas Stephen Dietrich
You are known for being a powerhouse on the Tennis court, a gifted pianist, a creative filmmaker, and a dedicated student. The Horizons Tennis Program is your legacy. You are quick to cheer up your friends when they are struggling and pursue your interests with gusto. Your warm personality, unflappable spirit, and keen sense of humor have made you a beloved CA Lifer.

James Howard Doolittle III
From eager Seventh Grader with a big grin and hammer in hand, to skilled Senior stage manager, we have loved watching you grow. Mr. Looper says you have spent so much time in the theater that we should name part of the building after you! Awesome sense of humor, authentic as they come, and the most joyful of Ultimate players, your heart is huge.

Garrison Mark Ebel
From the Soccer field to Choir and Mock Trial, you thrive through connection. Coaches say you’ll “run through a wall” for your teammates. Teachers praise your sense of purpose (and flawless attendance record). As a CLT mentor and patient summer camp counselor, you created community. Super Super-Lifer, CA is your forever home.

Samuel Louis Ehrman
You are one of the key researchers in Tiny Earth. Your curiosity and joy of learning were also on full display as you studied the power of habits in REDI Lab. A wonderful friend and classmate, others are drawn to your deep listening and thoughtful feedback. Stellar Baseball teammate, avid fisherman, and passionate scientist.

Marlyn Estrada
Friends call you a “hype man”: you inspire peers with confidence and swoop in to care for those around you. Compassionate, giving, you formed a special bond with your host grandmother in China. And though you’d never boast, we saw your power blossom in the classroom and through your ceramics Portfolio Show. Beloved sister, daughter, and friend.

Jason Michael Evans
You have a heart of gold and fully embody CA’s values of courage and kindness. A classmate says, “Boundlessly selfless, Jason epitomizes what it means to be a good friend.” Shown through your loyalty to family, bringing home the Championship title in Racquetball, and your mentorship through CLT, your strength of character has been a force for good.

Byron George Farmar
A wry observer of the world, your wit in class discussion and in your writing is renowned, but your philosophical side is just as memorable. With the work ethic of a pro you tackle Baseball, physics, and the ukulele, and as JV Soccer Captain, you guide younger players. Eagle Scout and future engineer (not to mention master of the mullet), you stand proud.

Zoe Anne Mostly Fierer
You challenge conventional wisdom and champion social justice, exuding boldness throughout. Your Jennifer Wu Fellowship took you deep into nature, and your writing transports us. Back on campus, you awe with your sculptures, cello recitals, and top track times, while your PlatFORUM sessions make us think. You shape the world for the better.

Michael William Ford
Carefree and caring, thinker and problem-solver, you put your head down and get to work. You threw yourself into Shakespeare readings and tough physics problems. Your voice grew confident in Choir and while standing up for your beliefs. Tennis Doubles State Champion, passionate skier and spikeball competitor, loyal friend, you make every day count.

Ella Markley Freimuth
A powerhouse academic and four-sport athlete, your intelligence, positivity, and bravery set the course for the big impact you make. You know how to balance your competitive spirit with exceptional teamwork. Whether in the art studio, in CLT, or your classes, you approach everything with empathy, excellence, and respect for the world around you.

Marius Maximilian Frenz
Analytical, curious, and mature, we love your fresh perspective and global mindset. In the classroom, you are all in. You bring open-mindedness and strong collaboration skills to everything you tackle. As co-leader of the Investment Club, contributor to the Racquetball Team, and talented drummer, your steady impact runs deep.

Ryan Connell Gaghen
Your purpose is clear: you want everyone’s voice to be heard. As a leader in Community Council, Amnesty, and Philanthropy Board, you listen intently, affirm opinions, and consider before judging. You seized your moment in REDI Lab, driven by your passion for government and people. Committed CC Co-President, your high standards and hard work have made CA better.

Catalina Quinn Alvarado Geller
Resilience and self-awareness embodied, when a challenge comes your way, you dig in and rise above. We love your humor and self-deprecation, your hunger to learn, your dedication to your jobs beyond campus, and your designer’s eye. From flexing your math muscles in class projects to applying paint in the art studio, you foster a true sense of community.

Mateo Jay Hartmann Gluck
An aspiring sports management executive and Ms. Meyers’ go-to scientist in Physiology, you showed up on Zoom with a positive attitude and herds of pill bugs for the experiment at hand. You love to roll up your sleeves and dive in, and on the ice, you are fearless in the Hockey goal. Affable, easygoing, you are a dedicated son, brother, and Mets fan!

Charles Max Goldman
You might be the kindest person at CA. We admire your heart of gold and your strength, both in the weight room and in your character. Your love of family, the outdoors, Horizons, and audio engineering shines brightly. You are a man of your word and show us the power of building community through hard work, gratitude, and authentic compassion.

Jared Fraser Goldstein
Self-aware, accepting, you give equal respect to everyone you meet. Teachers and Soccer coaches call you a “team player” who sets goals, models hard work, and pays attention to the details. Israel gave you roots and inspired your best storytelling. In your writing, we saw the complexity of your soul. Super Super-Lifer, you made CA your home.

Joseph James Gonzales
Teachers talk about your big heart, and they have loved watching your voice grow strong in the classroom. You are independent and proud of both your heritage and your work outside of school. From starting your own business, to serving as a leader on JV Tennis, to helping at home with your family, you know who you are and hold true.

Andres Cesar Guevara
“If I don’t stand out, I don’t belong,” you wrote. You have stood out, and you do belong. We feel your “Andy-vibe” proud and loud on the Ultimate field and through your artwork and epic drum solos. In Cuba, you soaked up every moment, and in Mock Trial, you embodied the Best Witness award. A “true treasure” and “original thinker,” teachers say. You light up a room.

Julia Casson Hall
Unflappable, laser-focused, you aren’t afraid to get scrappy. (Ms. Meyers thinks your Kindergarten teachers would be proud!) If the team needs a score, they look to you. If a project needs to get done, your classmates know who they want as a partner. And if your little siblings need a hand, they know where to turn. You are a no-fuss, no-drama, straight-shooting voice of reason.

Spencer McKnight Harvey
Athlete, scholar, CLT, Super-Lifer, you made CA better. We loved watching you fall down the rabbit hole in physics and grapple with complex questions in history. Wicked smart, curious, and sensitive, teachers say you set the tone in class. Whether fly-fishing with friends or leading your Lacrosse team with pride, you foster a dynamic of trust, love, and brotherhood.

Rebecca Peirce Kerr
The Energizer Bunny of your class, you bring swagger to your academic work, and your cool confidence is backed up by real skill. Playful and fun, you are as delightful to coach on the Lacrosse field as you are to teach in French. Dedicated to HOPE, your positive energy is palpable, and you stand up for others with grace, always working towards understanding.

Hannah Isabelle Krueger
Justice-oriented and determined, you are a powerful change agent at CA and in Denver. As a founding member of STAMP and co-leader of PlatFORUM, you built more inclusive and equitable communities. In REDI Lab, you studied how to spread a love of learning from a young age. We couldn’t be more proud of you for doing just that as a future educator.

John Coleman Kuelling
Music man and creative soul, when your fingers dance on those guitar strings, we feel your passion and see your talent. KPad says you have one of the best musical ears he’s had the privilege to teach. You connect that talent to studying sound waves in physics, performing in Choir, and exploring in REDI Lab, bringing a sense of wonder to any classroom.

Galilea Landa-Posas
You love learning, and it showed. At every turn, you strove to deconstruct and debate. Your courage shined at HMI, through your ceramics Portfolio, and as you led workshops for PlatFORUM. We savored your beautiful writing and were riveted by your powerful, kind voice. With a compass oriented towards justice and an elegant Mexican two-step, you embraced CA.

Brooks Sheehan LeClair
We watched you blossom as a self-motivated student and a strong writer. Your love of Basketball, family, and friends comes through in everything you do. Through coaching and volunteering, you’ve passed down your deep passion for the game to another generation. We are proud of the way you push yourself and make our community better in the process.

Sophie Helen Link
Courageous adventurer and keen observer in Cuba, a student of the world who revived Model UN, you are also a fierce opponent on the Soccer field and energetic C-Club champion. You show deep knowledge of self and others, and have stretched yourself at CA, taking extra classes at every turn. Your zeal to grow is matched only by the warmth of your personality.

Colby Rand Lish
Passionate phenom, you do it all. In Mock Trial, singing, and theater, you light up the stage. Your joyful energy and enthusiasm are contagious, whether whistling a tune, coding, playing Racquetball, or solving math problems. Most importantly, we love that you are a caring friend and big brother; you check in and listen when others need it most. Thank you for your commencement speech.

Britt Christina Lochhead
A teacher says, “I would clone Britt a hundred times over.” You are engaged, energetic, and earnest, which deepens the learning of those around you. Your empathy and leadership are front and center as HOPE Co-President and on CLT. Through REDI Lab, on the Soccer team, and in Cuba, you aren’t afraid to push beyond your comfort zone.

Nathalie Anne Maffei
Teachers call you sneaky smart. You grin playfully in advisory and laugh easily with friends, yet underneath we know you are a serious scholar, and your words carry weight in any classroom. A collaborator by nature, it’s no wonder you are a key teammate on the Soccer field. Adventurous, too, you tackled our pioneer Senior REDI Lab with poise and gumption.

Nicholas Craig Maffei
Personable and upbeat, you never need to be the loudest in the room in order to be heard and respected. Your leadership sets the tone on the Soccer field (while your awesome goals during playoffs and State left our jaws dropped!) From your successful business internship to your savvy insights in Econ, you have revealed your desire to always improve and your drive to make an impact.

Alexander Dickson Main
Your resilience is something to behold. With grit and empathy, you dived into your volunteer work at Children’s Hospital and the National Sports Center for the Disabled. Your self-awareness was on full display in Cuba, as it is in the classroom. A teacher calls your writing “stunning.” You make connections that move dialogue forward.

Margaret Dake Bansbach Maloy
Your deep reservoir of empathy has made you a rock for your peers. When injury sidelined you from athletics, you discovered how powerful you are with a camera in hand, putting subjects at ease and illustrating your vision. Gritty and grounded, organized and in charge of your life, you remind us to focus on the positive and “hold close” to each moment.

Makayla Eden Martinez
A CA Lifer, you have brought charisma and positivity to our community. You are the epitome of a kind, inclusive student and caring sister. You go out of your way to be a community builder. From PlatFORUM to video, to your internship with We Are All Human, you aren’t afraid to use your voice for good, promoting justice and equity.

William Alan Mattin
You came to CA in the Eleventh Grade and won over new friends with your spark of kindness and warmth. Both resilient and curious, you’ve been a patient student and respected Golf teammate. From Asian Heritage Club to tech theater, you established yet more communities. Such is the depth of your ability to connect with others.

Kiah Warner May
“The most determined person we know,” teachers say. Somehow you basically took eight classes and still had time to cheer up friends and advocate passionately for empowering girls around the world. In Soccer, Swimming, and Choir, your confidence inspires. Pure love of learning has launched you forward and will help you make our planet (and solar system) a better place.

Finnerty Curtis McCoy
You are as well-rounded as they come. An undeniable Lacrosse talent, your prowess is refreshing, because you do it without ego. A standout on CLT, your empathy and humor naturally put others at ease. An amazing coder, you possess a joy of discovery and creation. You tenderly care for others—from your beloved grandmother to your loyal friends—and your devotion to your dog is unmatched!

Teresa Elizabeth McManus
Confident and inclusive, we love that you aren’t afraid to speak your mind. Ultimate's top scorer, ceramics Portfolio artist, Haiti volunteer, and standout STEM student, your thoughtful leadership and fierce sense of justice comes through loud and clear. With a can-do attitude and loyal heart, you are a camp counselor extraordinaire, a favorite babysitter, and a great sister.

Katharine Bode Merrifield
You are the clutch player that every coach dreams of having on their team. Calm, poised, humble: you inspire your teammates to be better. Teachers call you a killer writer and say you have a knack for getting to the heart of what matters. Captain of our Championship Lacrosse and Field Hockey Teams, talented Portfolio artist, and incredible student, you are unstoppable.

Jordon Preston Mills
Loyal, hardworking, and kind, you do the right thing, even when no one is watching. This integrity is ingrained in your work in the classroom, on the Basketball court, in Choir, Haiti Club, and as the keeper of your advisory. Led by your wry sense of humor, talent for reading the room, and unwavering values, you are the glue that strengthens our community.

Reeve Lane Mitchell
We’ll never forget the day you showed up to advisory with Puddles the hamster and all of her hardware. You take an idea and run with it, literally. On ice and at Track meets, your strides are steady. You dashed to work each day with pride for your newfound independence. With a quick wit and keen intellect, you value authenticity and belonging. Loving daughter, faithful friend.

Sophia Alexandra Mix
You’ve lived all over the world, and we are lucky to be the beneficiaries of your global, inclusive, and justice-oriented mindset. Teachers love that you are willing to tackle difficult conversations, which promote learning all around you, and peers love your easy-going attitude. From Gender Studies and environmentalism, to athletics and Project CAre, your joy for life is felt.

Samer Elyas Mohamed
Everyone admires your positive and easygoing energy. At Basketball games, you seem to know (and even be friends with) half of the opposing team. Curious, open-minded, you surround yourself with people from all walks of life. Through FACES and organizing in the Sudanese-American community, you’ve made others feel welcome.

Sara Ali Musani
You radiate confidence. Passionate geneticist, writer, and singer, you give your whole self to everything you do. Through Interfaith Alliance, Asian Heritage Club, STAMP, and more, you helped us learn from each other. Family centers you and is your source of strength; instinctively, you link arms with friends and give that strength to others. You are a lifeline.

Elsa Sky Mushkin
You strive to understand the world and to make it better. In the classroom, you ask hard questions and move the group in productive directions. You helped the Soccer team win a State Championship and committed yourself to serve through the Denver Rescue Mission, the Haiti trip, and Road to Hope. You’ve paved your own path, and we couldn’t be more proud.

Evelyn Marie Needham
You are a lightning bolt. Fierce intellectual curiosity defines your academic impact at CA. Your questions and thoughtful comments push your classmates into more complex terrain. People far and wide gravitate toward your magnetic energy. From CLT to computer science to your work for the ACLU, you inspire us with your joy for learning and adventurous spirit.

Liam Patrick O’Donnell
Self-possessed and grounded like few students we’ve encountered, you are happy to take a risk and grow. Old-fashioned grit is your M.O., as is being both jovial and serious when you learn. An old soul who cares deeply about peers and family, you are also a dedicated lifeguard and Eagle Scout, and you juggle it all with confidence.

Catherine Duncan O’Halloran
“Tons of bandwidth,” teachers say. You made it look easy. A three-sport athlete, leader, and STEM superstar, you entered your “flow” state and kept at it. In every situation, you consider issues from infinite perspectives. As CC Co-President and through Haiti Club and Project CAre, you remember what matters. A scholar with the heart of a public servant, your desire to improve the world is sincere.

Pedro Isai Olivas-Holguin
Smart, sweet, and a thinker of the highest caliber, you have a gift for articulating complex ideas both on paper and on film. Your social justice compass guides you, as does your devotion to family and friends. We love your humor, we love your heart, and we love your humility. You think big, and we are certain you will do big things.

Karlee Nye Osman
A class act. Mr. Thorpe says when given a task, you bring any group together, whether in REDI Lab, CLT, or on the Volleyball and Basketball courts. Thoughtful, empathetic, and easy to connect with, you rise to any challenge without excuses or pretense. A three-season athlete and devoted volunteer in Haiti, you bring life and joy wherever you go.

Maya Pellegrini
You are a steam engine. Fierce on the Soccer field, your athletic honors, from Colorado to Chile, are well-deserved. Confident and strong, you also come to the classroom curious and eager to learn. You will thrive in engineering with your intellectual gears always in motion, and with your strong faith, commitment to healthy living, and devotion to family, you will stay grounded.

Sage Elle Phelps-Fast
Grit and hard work are your superpowers. From academics to golf and photography, you are all in. You’ve pursued your passion for inclusion through FACES and were integral in leading the Golf Team to win multiple State Championships. You view the world through a profound lens, and your humble persistence and deep empathy make our community better.

Levi Buyers Pinkert
Who can code with the best of them in ACSL, stay awake all night competing with game designers across the globe, crush it in Faulkner, and write a scientific research paper that leaves Mr. Mills in awe? You can! You took CA’s Racquetball team to Nationals, you summit mountains, and as Mr. Hammer says, “are just so flippin’ smart!” A kind soul and a scholar who absorbs information like a sponge.

Fernando Arturo Prieto Lin
Your compassionate leadership shines through your work as Amnesty Co-President and the Student Activist Coordinator for Colorado. You are a talented writer, filmmaker, and linguist; woven through everything you do is your global perspective, emotional intelligence, and deep care for our community. We are lucky to have had you as a CA Super-Lifer.

Aaron Stephen Rice
Genuine and determined, with some unique skills—ping pong, rapping, auto repair, night photography, and dad jokes among them—you have been a steadfast contributor and leader. You’ve made your mark on the Baseball and Soccer teams, mentoring Freshmen through CLT, and being a caring, down-to-earth friend your classmates can depend on.

Ulisses Rico Moncada
When you speak, everyone listens. Your leadership through CLT and FACES highlights your deep integrity, hard work, and gratitude. A teacher says, “You should probably run the world someday.” In the classroom, you facilitate diverse perspectives with ease and come to brilliant conclusions. You are the real deal and downright delightful. We know your future is bright.

Victoria Marie Rodawig
You bravely tackled your goal of dancing at a high level and stretched outside your comfort zone to make it happen. You are not afraid to put in the hours to improve, whether in ballet, your classes, or excitedly discussing books. It’s your inclusive kindness, loyalty to community, and contagious positivity that will be remembered for years to come.

Nicolas Carlos Rodriguez
You are the glue that holds groups together and one of the truest friends we know. Pure-hearted, engaged, and thoughtful, you often pick up on nuances that others don’t. You brought kind energy to your Gender Studies class and perfected your jump shot on the Basketball court. Day in and day out, we know we can count on you to show up for our community.

Miriam Maylin Rojo Gutierrez
In you, kindness runs through and through. A natural leader in FACES, your force of spirit and generous heart are admired. From the ceramics studio to AP Spanish Lit, you soak it all up. (Ms. Todd says you once tried to sign up for more classes than exist in a day!) You also have the courage to speak up, and your Senior speech revealed the depths of your resilience.

Sofia Rebecca Rossman
Teachers call you an “agent of your own learning”: you ask big questions, reach for difficult climbing routes, and ponder scientific hypotheses, always at peace with uncertainty. Your empathy humanizes your photography and Amnesty leadership. With a passion for our planet and the motivation to summit even the highest mountains, you see what’s possible.

Natalie Michelle Rumsfeld
Intellectual, kind, and witty, you stay true to yourself and dive headfirst into your interests. Both behind the scenes and on stage, you’ve made a lasting impact on our theater program. We know you are always game to passionately discuss the countless books you’ve read. We can’t wait to see you take on your new adventure across the pond.

Maya Jane Rutherford
An athlete with a capital “A,” you meet every challenge head on. As a defender in Varsity Field Hockey, Lacrosse, and Ice Hockey, you love the game. “Super bright, a total rock star,” teachers say, “and a very kind person.” We marvel at your outspoken confidence in the classroom, downright academic chops, and ability to get it all done without missing a beat.

Ashley Kay Schafer
Few know the toughness that lies beneath that joyful exterior. Surgery after surgery could not get you down, and instead you modeled what courage really looks like. Your talents shine bright from science labs to dance studios, to the hospital rooms where you volunteer. Your Freshmen in CLT adore you, because in your eyes, the glass is always half full.

Emmett William Lane Schlager
"Courage can be found in many places, but rarely in someone whose base is honest humility," Coach Augustin wrote. Whether on the Ultimate field, building a theater set, or helping a friend, your focus is on the team and the task at hand. Through your powerful Art Portfolio and gorgeous storytelling, you invited us into your world. We honor you.

Lewis Inman Sharp V
Man of the world and 40-year-old scholar in the body of a teenager, you discuss current events with the best of them, always showing respect for others. Teachers say you “pack a wallop” with your eloquent writing and in Ethics Bowl, you have found a home. Mme Debord is wowed by your spoken French, and coaches from Mock Trial to Ultimate simply exclaim, “wonderful human!"

Kendall Ann Smart
No code, big or small, can ruffle your feathers. (Ms. Jans says you even brought planets back into orbit with a smile!) Scholar, leader, you drive discussion and invite others into the fold. “The perfect collaborator,” teachers note. Peers lean on your cool confidence. As you set the tone on Philanthropy Board, outscore the competition in Lacrosse, and cheer with your Championship team, we feel your sisterly strength.

Charlotte Bevan Smith
We picture you in a cozy library chair, your head buried in one of your beloved books, or making us roar with laughter from the Basement Theatre stage. AP Chinese, Book Club, Horizons, Words on Fire, GSA—you commit to those things you genuinely love, and do so without a drop of pretense. The authenticity of your intellectual curiosity is refreshing.

Elle Margaret Smith
From Cuba to Africa, you embark on adventures courageously. Teachers say you are a born leader because you are smart, caring, and respectful, and Mr. Thorpe says you are one of the most creative students to come through REDI Lab. Multi-layered and multi-faceted, your Portfolio Show of experimental prints and colorful collages revealed your inventive eye.

James Ross Smith
You are a team player, always willing to dive into group work, share your screen on Zoom, and discuss ideas. Whether in Golf, your classes, working as a caddy, or volunteering, you give 100%. We love your down-to-earth nature, keen sense of fairness, and lighthearted humor, which are woven through everything you do.

Paige Chandler Stanton
Inclusivity is your trademark; you’ve received thank-you notes from other students for your acts of kindness. A leader in the best possible ways: steadfast, self-aware, and hardworking. You are a fierce Soccer player, yet you are quick to help up fallen teammates and opponents. In the classroom, you lead with curiosity and intrinsic love of learning.

Clark Schwab Steinhauser
So modest yet so talented, you take the stage, and we know we’re in for a treat. On the classical guitar, you are formidable. When you sing in Choir, perform with a group, or even compose songs for class assignments, we’re moved by your creativity. Geography whiz, David Bowie soloist, passionate Tennis player and dynamic competitor, you greet each day with a smile.

Griffin AJ Stevens
We loved hearing your voice grow and seeing your passion for chemistry, calculus, Tennis, and art emerge. In Portfolio, you devoted hours of energy until your detailed drawings matched your vision. Friends call you a “skeleton key”: you fit in and connect without changing who you are. Empathetic, philosophical, you remain true to yourself.

Cameron Noble Swaney
You are an easygoing spirit who doesn’t get ruffled, and we admire your kind, ethical core. Beautiful writer of French, creative intellect, profound wit in the classroom, and an impressive Eagle Scout whose project is held up as a model to others, you have steadily made your mark at CA. In you, creativity and intellectualism run deep.

Annabelle Jane Swenson
You are SO happy to learn, SO happy to be around peers and teachers. From the mountain wilds of HMI, to playing viola on stage, to dashing into the end zone at the State Ultimate tournament, your spirit uplifts those around you. Ms. Venkateswaran says you are the epitome of a growth mindset, and on CLT and beyond, you are a team builder who validates others.

Bryn Merrick Taplin
Brilliant artist, articulate speaker, and avid outdoorswoman, whether in the studio or deep on an Adirondack trail, you observe keenly and never judge. Under your serene exterior, you are electric with ideas and inspiration. Tough as nails, you are comfortable standing apart from the herd. You know yourself, and you respect others for who they are, too.

Devon Taylor Taplin
You bring a cheerful attitude, strong moral compass, and deep engagement to all you tackle. Each day you arrive to the photography studio with an open mind and enthusiasm for creating. Whether writing short fiction or a Gender Studies research paper, your sense of plot and pace keep a reader wanting more. We all benefit from your thoughtful contributions.

Brooke Elizabeth Valentine Taylor
Every inch of your sketchbook is a window into your soul. You can’t help it, Ms. Hills wrote: "You are an artist. Even though your unique style blooms from each painting, each print, and each page, you step out of your comfort zone with ease, pivoting and twizzling in new directions, as you do so gracefully on ice, your second canvas." Devoted CLT, supportive classmate, empathetic friend.

Henry Joseph Trembath
Tenacity and quick wit are your hallmarks. Talented filmmaker, bold social justice activist, and engaged student of politics, you express an opinion both respectfully and deftly. You are also a champion for your younger siblings and exude positivity with your peers. Your mind is open, your perspective fresh, your helping hand generous, and you are ready to launch.

Eleanor Mickle Wadsworth
Ray of sunshine, your positive power lifts us each day. In science and math, we love your “a-ha!” moments, the pure joy you express when things click. From Advisory to Mock Trial to CLT, any group dynamic is stronger when you’re there to strike up conversation. Energetic teammate and patient HOPE Director, we know you’ll never lose your spark.

Mackenzie Grace Wagner
You are everyone’s cheerleader. Armed with fierce advocacy and formidable EQ (not to mention an orange Home Depot apron), you are an agent of change. From CC Co-President to Asian Heritage Club to Project CAre, you know a leader is only as strong as the individuals around them, so you work to empower others. As Ms. Perez says, “You will someday rule the world.”

Arjun Lama Weihenmayer
A supportive friend and classmate, you ask questions that move the conversation forward, bring levity, and help everyone feel included. Through Baseball, Soccer, filmmaking, Friday TED Talks in your advisory, and as an avid outdoorsman, we’ve loved watching you grow into a humble and collaborative contributor.

Charlie Martin Westfall
Curious, easy-going, and loyal, it’s your strong character that stands out above all else. You will go to the mat for friends and teammates. As a Soccer goalie and on the Baseball field, you lead with a steady hand. From your beautiful landscape photography to the way you make us laugh, you’ve certainly made a positive impact on CA.

Lucas Robert Wharton
Unflappable, with a great sense of humor, we love the even-keeled personality you bring to classes, advisory, and the Soccer pitch. You are the engine room of the Varsity Team. Most of all, we appreciate how you care for others, both your CA classmates and your family. Through everything, your strength of character shines through.

Zoe Evelyn Worrall
Renaissance Scholar. Your mind dazzled us, and your Art Portfolio transported us to your “never before seen world.” When you speak, we hear a poetic physicist, and a computer scientist who dissects both code and Shakespeare with equal passion. As your fingers dance on the piano and your feet hop and heel-click on stage, we hear the rhythm in your heart. You savored the journey.

Czarina Marguerite Rose Yuffa
Honest, brave, you stand up. In class and Town Hall, you go from facilitator to commentator, modeling productive dialogue about issues that matter. Mock Trial shaped your dreams, and you’ve shaped the next generation. Vulnerable yet strong, you show us who you are on stage, in Ethics Bowl, and even when you deliver cookies to friends in quarantine. Your heart is always in the right place.