Well, CA Community, I think we need a break from bad news and need some fun.

So, today I offer something we all need for any Spring Break: A playlist! Back in the day, making a mix tape was the one gift that really meant something. In the 80s, if someone made you mix tape it was the ultimate sign of friendship. I still have playlists from friends who were trying to turn me on to new music or others that were documenting some special experience. Well, to help with the boredom of social distancing in the age of COVID-19, enjoy this playlist I created on Spotify, called Songs for Social Distancing From Your Head of School.
Kids, when you made a mix tape in the old days, you had a few choices. One was deciding if you wanted a particular theme. I usually opted for choosing better music that would challenge my friends with different music than what could be heard on the radio. Usually, I wasn’t too focused on a theme. I loved making fake album covers, and this one has a great one. This playlist contains some well-known artists, but also probably a few you never heard of. The only theme, if you can find one, is lots of messages about strength and standing tall. At Colorado Academy, we are all about courage and kindness. Let’s approach this crisis with these defining values.
So in the immortal words of Mike D, Ad Rock. and MCA, I leave you with this:
Yeah, as the earth spins into a brand new day
I see the light on the horizon’s not fading away
Gonna shine from within, like a bright white sun
No need to hide and no place to run
Got the vibrations of the music bringing light to your mind
So you can move and groove, and feel the beat of the time
Sense the power in the air as it starts to move
You get a real good feeling that you just can’t lose
Put on your headphones or crank up the speakers. Hope this offers a useful diversion. If anything, my taste in music is so weird, it will keep people away! 🙂
Note for parents: one song might have a bad word or two.