Ryan Acker
Ryan, I have never had a student quite like you. You are so uniquely wonderful and have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that creates joy and laughter in a matter of seconds, myself included. You also have a fierce moral compass that guides you through even the toughest of situations, and I feel honored to have been your teacher this year.
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Marcus Arocha
With joy and humor, you welcome each school day, playing music as you bounce into the room. Your passion for soccer and your siblings is admirable, and you thrive on connection with teachers and peers. Your dedication, strong work ethic, and commitment to others will take you far.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Violet Beattie
Violet, you look through life with a lens of creativity that I envy. From the comics you create to the movie trailers in iMovie, which always feature adorable cats, you have brought such happiness and fun to our classroom this year. You are a bright light that will be sorely missed in our CA community, but I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Brooklyn Bixler
Brooklyn, I have loved getting to know you this year. Even though you were new to CA, it felt as though you had been a part of our community for years already. You were able to blend right in and connect with friends throughout the Lower School. However, I know that you are going to be successful in any situation, and I wish you all the best!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

NyImah Bryant
Your smile fills every room you walk into, and your empathy for others makes the classroom better for everyone. It is your balanced approach to school that reminds us all that school is a place to learn, and to love, and laugh. Just like a unicorn, you can fly, run, and leave others in awe.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Brielle Burkett
Energetic, joyful, loud, and happy, you bring passion to our community. Deeply connected to your family, you beam when sharing about them, and your relationships with friends are paramount to you. Learning to be a positive leader, you lift your classmates up, enriching all of us.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Ollie Campbell
Ollie, you have a playful personality that not only adds a brightness to each and every day, but you also have a coy smile that always makes me think you’re up to something. Your quick-wittedness and independent nature make you a leader in the classroom, and I’m excited to see all that you can accomplish as you move forward into Middle School.
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Zach Colodny
Zach, even on my best days you challenge me to be a better teacher, pushing for more challenging work and encouraging your classmates. You have even attempted to make me a better soccer player, though I fear that we were unsuccessful in that endeavor. You are a fierce friend and exceptionally talented in the classroom. I look forward to hearing of your many future accomplishments at CA!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Sophia Cox
A scholar with a pencil in your hand, and a true athlete when competing in fencing, Sophia, you have it all. You have an uncanny ability to provide unique insight into a book, all while giggling at the humor. As a Fifth Grader, you lead by example and provide our class with endless smiles.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Annabelle Dennis
Annabelle, you have a playful personality that makes everyone around you want to engage and get involved. You also have a kindness about you that makes others naturally gravitate towards you. You came into school each and every day with a can-do attitude and a desire to give 110 %. I’m so thankful to have been able to get to know you this year!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Matthew Dietrich
Calm and composed in the classroom, you are always respectful of your teachers and peers, but on the playground, you turn into an all-pro wide receiver with a confident grin. Your classmates look to you as an example of how to act, but most importantly, they care for you, because you are a great friend.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Liam Driver
A big smile, and an even bigger personality, Liam, you are truly a force. Each day we can count on you to provide a quick math computation and follow it up with a quick insight on the Rockies. It is your passion and giant heart that will always bring friends to your side
Mr. Buck McKenna

JR Ege
A skilled conversationalist, you take a genuine interest in others. Considerate, thoughtful, and engaged, you thrive on connection and never fail to reach out and include everyone. Your inclusive nature and willingness to work hard make you an excellent academic partner and friend. Your tenacity and grit will take you far.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Edie Esposito
What a spark! You spread joy with each smile, thoughtful comment, or laugh. You absorb ideas, support others, and enthusiastically try new things. You willingly take feedback, share your thoughts with others, and listen carefully. Committed to doing your best, you work hard in all areas, but always remember to stop and smile.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Maya Evans
Maya, you are an artichoke, tough on the outside, with a giant heart on the inside. You have shown this year what grit looks like, and just as important, you have shown to your classmates how to be empathetic daily. A confident student, tenacious soccer player, you are destined for success in whatever you desire.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Mckenna Farrell
Your enthusiasm lights up the room, and you are passionate about books. You thrive on connections, happily having conversations with adults and peers. Whether discussing Harry Potter, Emma Watson, The Keeper of Lost Cities, or the plight of the homeless, it is clear you care deeply. Go forth and change the world!
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Cole Fender
Cole, you have been an absolute joy to get to know, though your tales of shark encounters terrify me beyond reason. Initially a quiet young man, I have seen you truly come into your own this year. The spirit and joy you bring to the classroom makes those around you better for having known you!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Anabella Fitzgerald
Anabella, there are many caring people in the world, but few can hold a candle to you. You have the most gentle and compassionate nature, something that I have loved being able to witness in your interactions, not only with your classmates, but with your adorable bunny, Wilfred. We need more people like you in this world, and I am so thrilled to have been your teacher!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Gia Gile
Gia, you may be a quiet soul, but I truly enjoy when I get glimpses of the real you. You are wonderfully funny, and an incredibly creative and a highly talented artist. I have loved watching your stop-motion creations on Zoom, and I am confident that we can expect great things from you. You have an amazingly bright future ahead of you!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Kobe Glesser
With an imagination that knows no boundary, Kobe, your academic day is filled with adventures that you conquer daily. Flexible with numbers and words alike, you find the excitement and humor in the most mundane moments. You are a loyal friend that truly sees the glass as overflowing.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Thiago Gomez
Funny, kind, and loyal, you care deeply about your classmates. A passionate writer, you give your best to each assignment. This year, you challenged yourself to deepen your math understanding, learn to take thoughtful notes, and to read extensively. Whether BMX biking or laughing with friends, you face each day with enthusiasm!
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Mila Heater
Mila, moving into a new school community can be challenging, but you have been a wonderful addition to CA. I always knew you were special, which is why it came as no surprise when you decided you wanted to start an organization called “Partners in Kind” at CA. You are a natural leader, Mila, and I can’t wait to see what future goodness you bring into the world!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Peter Hedstrom
Loyal and kind, you constantly stretch yourself, from sharing stories and reading new ones, to trying math challenges and exploring friendships. You were a passionate science mentor with Mr. G, and are never without a book. From flying at iFly or solving a coding conundrum, your gumption and interests will take you far.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Isaac Heyman
Isaac, you are a man of few words, but in our short time together, I have learned that you have two great loves: baseball and fly fishing. I have also learned that you can finish a 500-page fantasy book in two days—easy! I am so glad to have been your teacher this year, and I can’t wait to hear about all your accomplishments as you move into Sixth Grade.
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Andrew Ho
Andrew, you never fail to make me laugh or bring a smile to my face, whether we are heatedly discussing the difference between a ‘dingo’ and a ‘dingo dog,’ or when you salute me after giving directions. You have such a passion for learning, and I’m really going to miss you telling me every Friday that you don’t like weekends because, “that’s two whole days of [missed] learning!”
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Abby Hollis
Abby—Sweet, kind, creative, and lovely Abby. I have seen so much growth in you this year, and I am so proud of the young woman you are becoming. You came into class every day this year with a smile on your face and a positive attitude. Even when we made the switch to virtual learning, you took every situation in stride, and I am so thankful to have had you in my class!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Jack Howard
Like every great hockey player, you are constantly looking to help the team, even if that means pivoting yourself to skate backwards to help a classmate. Fifth Grade has proven to be your year of maturation, both academically and emotionally. You care deeply for others and for your work; never lose either!
Mr. Buck McKenna

Mila Hudson
Joyful, persistent, and enthusiastic, you dive into challenges. From the dance floor to the classroom, nothing can stop you. Your hugs are epic, and you thrive on your connections with adults and peers. Every day, you commit to doing your best, as an academic and an empathic friend.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Violet Judson-Arthur
Violet, you are one of those magical people who have such magnetic personalities that people just want to be around you. Whether it’s your constant smile, or infectious laughter, you are an integral part of our classroom community. I have loved getting to know you this year, and I’m really going to miss listening to you get so excited about telling a story that you speed talk for 10 minutes straight!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Cooper Korenblat
Uniquely you, you brought laughter to our community delivering “Moose Fabio” skits and pencil lotteries. You taught me to appreciate the road unthought of, as you put your own spin on assignments and shared new perspectives. When something engages you—from a new book to writing fantasy to creating algebra challenges—nothing will stop you.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Skye Leach
A self-proclaimed nerd, you dive into challenges. While you have not learned calculus, yet, you play with numbers, write innumerable drafts, explore new genres, and constantly question. You have a sophisticated awareness of the world and engage in thoughtful conversations about current events. You value your connections, always checking in on your friends
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Mira Leon
Seemingly comfortable in every situation, Mira, you are able to bring a smile, joke, or laugh to every aspect of school. You are able to laugh during math, smile during writing, and encourage others during reading. The dynamic approach you bring to school is what makes CA truly great.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Shreyas Leon
Your smile lights up our room. You care for our classroom community, looking out for the emotional well-being of friends, as well as using your genius-level organization skills to keep our materials neat. You push yourself by reading new books, writing with detail, playing with math challenges, and trusting in new friendships.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Wilson Love
Wilson, you are one of the few students I’ve had in my teaching career that truly seemed to not only understand, but also enjoy my corny jokes. Your laughter is completely infectious, and I will miss hearing it fill our classroom each and every day. You are kind beyond measure, and I am so proud that you are a member of our CA community.
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Will McAfoos
An avid gamer, connoisseur of shoes, and foil to authority, Will, you ask the questions every one of your classmates is thinking. During conversations in history, you were able to take perspectives that seemed beyond a Fifth Grader’s ability. It is these unique skill sets that will truly set you apart.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Luke Michaud
Humorous, genuine, and engaged, you are a true Renaissance man. Your passion for powerfully emotional books is second only to your desire to learn calculus, or at least algebra. A committed mentor in Pre-K, you support each member of our community, encouraging others, even as you bring your A-game to everything you do.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Collin Mielke
Passionate about football and friends, you bring laughter into our community. You work diligently to incorporate writing lessons into your pieces, and it shows! You recognize your emotions and are willing to share what you are experiencing. Connections to peers and adults fill you up, and you always look out for your friends.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Charlie Miller
Charlie, one of my fondest memories of this year will forever be our little two-person book club. With most of the ‘Wings of Fire’ books behind us, I have had the privilege of getting to know you, not only as a reader, but as a person. You are uncommonly kind and compassionate and I know we can expect great things from you!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Alegría Monterroso
Your artistic spirit guides you through every aspect of your day, as you see every opportunity to bring color into our class. Each day of your Lower School career is filled with strong effort, passionate friendships, and a spirit for every single themed day at school. Homemade dresses and drawing challenges, Alegría, you are a human firecracker.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Olivia Nelsen
Olivia, you are the student that every teacher needs in their classroom, not only because of your kindness and your helpful nature, but because you are the student that every teacher knows they can count on. You are dependable, loyal, and the glue that holds our class together. You are an absolute gem, and I’m so excited for you as you move on to the Middle School.
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Cameron Neubauer
A real empath, you model what it means to be loyal and true. From your pets and family to your friends and teachers, you build deep connections. You love aerial dance and read deeply in your spare time. An intelligent young woman, you thrive on using what you know to support others.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Peter Owen
While dreams of the Super Bowl are never far from your thoughts, it is your critical thinking that makes you the consummate student-athlete. Your study of Pat Tillman shows your desire to understand, not only an incredible athlete, but more importantly, a complex individual of history with a great calling. Just like you, Peter; you have a great calling.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Henry Paton
Henry, I had always considered myself a baseball fan, and then I met you. Your passion for the game is so powerful, you somehow managed to convince me to partake in a few games at recess—more than once! Not only are you a rising baseball star, but you are a compelling talent in the classroom, taking on challenges and pushing yourself each and every day. I am so proud of you, Henry!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Jane Prall
Jane, you sign off your emails with a phrase that truly encapsulates your Lower School career: “wholeheartedly.” You care about everyone and every moment with your whole heart. A loyal friend, a dedicated student, and devoted family member, you are the individual we all want by our side in the hardest of times.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Georgia Roberts
Gutsy, compassionate, and enthusiastic, you took off for Scotland without a backward glance. You cheer for others, no matter the situation, and tackle challenges with laughter and determination. While being true to yourself, you remain supportive of others. You taught us that nothing is too hard, if faced with friends and laughter.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Eildon Schafer
As a goalie, you are the last line of defense for your lacrosse team, and as a friend and family member, you play the same role. You stand tall and work hard for your work, your friends, and your family. You have a moral compass that would make any of us proud, and I hope you always follow it.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Alex Schulte
You make friends wherever you go, while remaining committed to the relationships that matter most to you. You are genuine and kind, which makes you an excellent partner and friend. You take your work seriously, always giving your best. With joy and enthusiasm, dive into this next adventure.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Charley Schumacher
Charley, your artistic spirit influences every aspect of your day, as you seek out new and exciting ways to bring life into our classroom. Your days in Fifth Grade were characterized by your determination to succeed, your loyalty to your friends, and your passion for animals. You have been a joy to have in class, and I wish you all the best in Sixth Grade!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Jack Shapiro
Jack, you are truly a Renaissance man. As an athlete, you talk about your teammates with such passion. As a family member, you smile with soldering pride, and as a student, you show a creativity that will take you to great heights. Our class will always be grateful for your humor and the gratitude you express.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Jordan Slutzky
Jordan, our class is full of energetic students, and then there’s you. Not a hyperactive energy, but rather an energy for life. I love when you get excited about class projects and writing assignments and PENS! Your love of learning is a passion I hope you never lose, nor should you ever lose that beautiful smile, a smile that brightens every room you enter!
Ms. Sara Wachtel

Heidi Sohn
With the pencil in your hand, Heidi, you can construct a piece that is full of heart and information. You work through your day, seeing the forest, while also brimming with happiness at the smallest tree. You make CA great, because you care not only about CA as a whole, but also about the smallest members.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Josh Toth
With an encyclopedic knowledge of both books and football, Josh, I have loved our conversations on Mondays, as you recall your favorite book of the weekend, quickly followed up by your favorite plays. You have a smile that warms a room and the kindest heart. Please never lose any of these attributes!
Mr. Buck McKenna

Nora Trembath
Your passion for animals knows no bounds, and the sound of your birds during Zoom school brought joy during a trying time. You discuss your siblings with pride and love, and you build strong friendships. A talented artist, you give your best in each aspect of school and model persistence and grit.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Van Ulrich
Van, you are passionate about the NBA, fishing, and your friends. As a Fifth Grader, you worked hard to balance your work with your passions and should be proud of the growth you have made. We hope you never lose your humor, energy, and love of life!
Mr. Buck McKenna

Lily Vahey
Kind-hearted, you give your best every day. Classmates know they can turn to you for encouragement, a kind smile, and a laugh. Inclusive and empathetic, you look out for others. This year, you demonstrated tenacity, facing new challenges with spirit and enthusiasm. You read deeply, tried new things, and smiled through it all.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Jackson Wells
New to CA this year, I am not sure anyone would know it. You quickly showed your academic grace, while also showing what it means to be a kind friend. Nimble with numbers, you displayed to our class what it means to be academically flexible, while also sharing your passion for tennis. Thank you for joining CA!
Mr. Buck McKenna

Siena Welsh
In touch with your emotions, Siena, you care deeply and work hard. You have taken full advantage of Fifth Grade by connecting with younger students, showing gratitude to former teachers, and growing friendships. Just like the horses you love, you are agile, quick, and full of strength.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Callan Williams
From snow forts to new books, your desire to explore and discover knows no bounds. A passionate skier, you face challenges on the slopes and in the classroom with poise. Committed to excellence, you demonstrate honesty and commitment, encouraging others to do their best, as you do.
Ms. Jessica Ohly

Britton Wilson
Never without an idea, Britton, you have grown this year by expanding your friendships and academic efforts. It is your love of reading that fuels your day, but it is your love of people that feeds your soul. We are grateful for every insight you have, every book you share, and most importantly, every friend you support.
Mr. Buck McKenna

Ben Zinn
You proudly declare your goal, to be happy, and pursue joy daily. Your quiet, humble manner hides a young man with a delightful sense of frivolity and humor, who consistently supports others. Determination defines your approach to work and will take you far as you soar into Middle School.
Ms. Jessica Ohly