Jacob Abbott
Honest, kind, and insightful, your deep love of learning and the environment led to success in the classroom, doing scientific research on the Belize trip, and working on a trail crew in the Appalachian Mountains. You are a natural problem solver, a faithful Dodgers fan, and most importantly you are true to yourself and others.

Kerr Allan
The consummate scientist, you dive into your passions and enjoy thinking creatively as you unpack ideas. You take risks as you explore the world around you, geeking out over science or tinkering with robotics and even jewelry. You march to your own beat. Our world will be a better place with you there to design and build the future.

Wyatt Allen
Budding physicist and dedicated leader, you are the “ultimate” Ultimate player: skilled, humble, gracious, devoted. Your teammates and classmates are buoyed by your energy. You remind us to laugh both at ourselves and with each other. An avid outdoorsman, the mountain west is in your soul—first Senegal, and now the world is yours to discover!

Claire Anderson
Your courageous spirit and searing intelligence have inspired, while at the same time you make us laugh daily with your jokes. You zip by in Cross Country, and in the classroom, you see right to the center of any topic. You always take the time to listen, and we have appreciated listening to you.

Ruthie Angevine
The room warms up when you walk in. Incredible with young children, everyone’s go-to babysitter, you started the First Grade Tutoring Club and grew it to enormous success. With your distinctive fashion, you express your independent spirit, and you quietly lead from CLT to Haiti. Always, you remain an authentic friend.

Mari Annest
We’ve never seen you break a sweat—your sheer power stops others in their tracks. From Calc III to English Lit, you make sharp analytical connections. You blow by others on the Cross Country course and can score from anywhere on the soccer field with fierce authority. Intense, unflappable, your competitive spirit means nothing will get in your way.

Ellie Bain
Whether recreating classic paintings with a feminist twist for REDI Lab, traveling with the Scotland exchange, or hiking the Colorado Trail mostly solo for a over a month last summer, your adventurous, creative, and fearless spirit runs through everything you do. When you speak in class, everyone listens. We couldn’t be more excited for you to tackle your next adventure across the pond.

Mac Behrhorst
You lead without ego and act with integrity. As Co-President, three sports Captain, and member of CLT, you’ve championed the growth of others. We’ve seen you unafraid to improvise and discover, on our fields and courts, while playing jazz or singing in Chanteurs, as an outdoorsman and in the classroom. A great big brother and brother to all.

Ethan Bennett
Camera in hand, you ventured to Peru and China, connecting with people across cultures. A talented writer, you observe the world with razor-sharp memory for detail. In our hallways and while suited up for football games, you bring joy. Community centers you, and with your passion for entrepreneurship, you act with purpose.

Sophie Berger
“Who is in that plant?!” We asked as we heard your powerful voice in Little Shop of Horrors. You have left us at the edge of our seats and on our toes with applause. With your tremendous work ethic, impressive talent, and your capacity for empathy, you brought the CA stage to life. Though you are “on your own” now, we will be cheering for you!

Cooper Bittman
Your vertical leap has left us in the dust. And your spirited role as Gus the Mustang lifted our teams to success. Devoted football player and filmmaker, you made a video for H.O.P.E. that showed us your heart is always in the right place. Assassin near-champion and Ultimate star with mind-boggling stats, you are CA personified.

Ella Bittman
Everyone’s surrogate mom, we’ve watched the anchoring role you play in our school. From your dedication to Horizons, your portraits of families at H.O.P.E., your tribute to “Mama J” at the final choir concert, and as unofficial CEO of the basketball program, your care for this community is undeniable. Your presence will be missed in so many places.

Jackson Briggs
You are an engaged and charismatic connector in the CA community. You go out of your way to make others feel included with your friendliness, positivity, and genuine nature. Whether in the classroom, playing soccer, or summiting fourteeners, you push through with charm, grit, perseverance, and an eye for the common good.

Mharie Brigham
You are the wise elder of your grade. Your quick wit, diligence, and love of ideas allowed you to grow into a powerful scholar. Turkey and Peru ignited your spirit, and for that you received our first ever Global Citizen Award. Your music and art moved us. As a compassionate CLT and Peruvian Hearts leader, tennis teammate, and friend, you see the best in others.

Zachary Brinker
You helped bring your Tennis Team to the State Championship and uncovered your strengths as a leader while counseling at CA summer camp. In the classroom, and through Knowledge Bowl and the Stock Market Challenge, you showed us you are an economics and stats guru who likes the nitty-gritty of math. A Mustang always you will be.

Conner Brook
Scholar, athlete, leader, outdoorsman, filmmaker: these labels merely scratch the surface. In the classroom and on the Soccer and Lacrosse fields, peers look up to you. Competition motivates you, yet camaraderie, family, and friendship bring out your best. You were the glue of your Advisory and of CLT. With ease, you find common ground with others.

Gracie Buyers
Hard-working, talented, loud, and fun, you keep things interesting. Even after three knee surgeries, you gave your all in your sports. You see things from a different perspective, opening new windows into math, computer science, and literature. Your art made us stop, bump into cups, and wonder. What statement will you make next?

Gretchen Carpenter
In REDI lab you pivot like no other, in science labs you inspire, on the ski slopes you are a force, in choir your joy is palpable, and on H.O.P.E., your leadership is legendary. Oh, you also happen to swim like a champion! Your peers think you are most likely to do 24 hours of work in a 12 hour day. Mature, self-reflective and fun-loving, you anchor us all.

Katie Cmil
Each day, you were thrilled to be at school—it showed. You raced around our basketball courts and raced to raise money for the Denver Haiti Run, extending your passion for Haiti’s people into all parts of your life. You modeled for us an ethic of service, through H.O.P.E., the Children’s Hospital Club, and CLT. “She is sunshine,” a classmate wrote.

Carter Coatsworth
Confident, outgoing, you have pushed yourself as a student, athlete, and artist. Our expert on all old-school music, your connection with teachers transcended decades. You have been called a “happy magnet;" a leader in Lacrosse, Basketball, and filmmaking, your energy and enthusiasm buoys everyone around you.

Michael Colpack
Your classmates cried when you left in Middle School and cheered when you returned. Without skipping a beat, you greeted us with your newfound southern charm. Friendly in the hallways, a star on the Lax fields and science labs, and everyone’s go-to film actor, as Mr. Cano says, “You are inspired not just by a flash, but you stay true to your course.”

Mia Cravitz
A teacher calls you “a gracious and impassioned student with a thirst for knowledge.” You seek strong female role models, yet this is also who you are: fierce, grounded, empathetic. Basketball captain, engaged CLT leader, and wonderful big sister, your leadership has made our community stronger. You always lift up others.

Emily Curran
Ms. Meyers and Ms. Boes loved having you on the science trip to Belize, noting your true love of Biology. Perhaps that curiosity has grown from the countless hours you have spent in the barns as a competitive equestrian. Amazing and engaging with little kids, so sweet and earnest with your peers, devoted little sister, your empathy shines through.

Alia Davis
Though you joined us late, it feels like you’ve been here all along. You’ve become an integral member of your class and made your mark through your singer-songwriter talent, your work on Mock Trial, and even the senior prank. Your genuine curiosity, deep intellectualism, and fearless sense of adventure will take you far—all the way to London and back.

Emily Dawson
CLT mentor, committed H.O.P.E. Co-President, cheerful, inclusive, you worked tirelessly to build community. You handled pressure with grace. In chemistry, Spanish, and art, you relished learning; on the golf course, you swung (and danced) with purpose. You are a big sister to many and have extended yourself with sincere purpose.

Dee Dennis
In your Basement Theatre debut, you blew us away in American Buffalo; on the Basketball court, you dazzled us for four years. You hold yourself with confidence, and you command respect, yet you are humble to the core. When you speak, people listen because your thoughtful intelligence makes us better.

Margarita Diaz
Your 5Up speech was incredible and brave. A dedicated community member since Lower School, your joy for learning, poise, and hardworking attitude touch everything you do, from science classes and playing the flute to serving as a CA camp counselor. You tackle everything with positivity and confidence that speaks volumes.

Jane Doherty
Genuine, thoughtful, and kind, you taught us what it means to show up and learn joyfully. You are wicked smart and endlessly curious—from geeking out on neuroscience and winning the Math Department Award to presenting at the Symposium on Science and Policy. In CLT, Cross Country, and Interim, you represent the CA community at its best.

Adam Dorsheimer
Wizard of words, magician of music, CA lifer, choir-guided meditation guru. You have shared your heart with us through your writing, music, and academic talents. Your senior speech reminded us to be open-minded and embrace the gift of our community. You do what truly matters to you and show us what truly matters.

Davis Ebel
On the baseball diamond and the golf green, as a pianist and photographer, you took risks. With a passion for statistics and sports, you practically speak ESPN. Through CLT, you left your legacy; as a camp counselor, you shared your dynamic energy and wit. You made us laugh, and as a CA lifer, you made our community your forever home.

Emmett Ela
With deep interests that span from architecture and science to photography and fly fishing, you are always learning. Equally comfortable with bat or bow, you’ve excelled in playing cello, tennis, as MVP of the baseball team, in REDI lab, and your Portfolio show. Winner of the Senior Athlete of the Year award, you lead through character and commitment.

Josh Estrada
Your teachers, peers, and family feel the love you radiate. Your senior speech and film portfolio broke ground; you asked us to think about how we care for one another and if we appreciate the contributions of those around us. We see how much you care for your friends and siblings, for learning, and for CA. Your heart beats stronger than ever.

Tucker Ezrine
Though you’ve only been here two years, you’ve made a lasting impact. Your persistence, flexibility, and strong work ethic were felt through your work on the Lacrosse field, and in the photography studio and the classroom. You are a true connector with a sharp intellect and some serious dance moves.

Justin Ferrugia
With high integrity, you do good everywhere you go. A gifted writer and actor, as Jean Valjean in Les Mis you sang, “Who am I?” but we all know who you are: a wise soul who can shine from Mock Trial to cello performances, from Math Club to the stage. The way you embody the wisdom of a 50-year-old and the joy of a child inspires us.

Ari Fierer
A true Renaissance man, is there anything you can’t do? Master furniture-maker, champion fiddler at the Stock Show, deep thinker and scholar, an All-State baseball catcher, and according to Mr. Jones, there isn’t an instrument you haven’t figured out. Yet, you are NEVER showy! Your humility leaves us in awe.

Alex Ford
You’ve filled your life with adventure and inspire others. Energetic, kind, you’ve traveled to Turkey, buoyed your tennis teammates, and touched the lives of children. The outdoors is your sanctuary, and you have shared its wisdom with us on hut trips and through Interim. As the winner of the film department award, your powerful work showed us worlds beyond our own.

Lily Fox
You don’t shy away from challenge, whether in the classroom, on the Basketball court, or the Soccer field. You are resilient, analytical, and an unapologetic competitor, which you balance with empathy; you are the first to pick up a teammate on the field. A teacher wrote: “Lily is a fierce young woman. She puts 110% into her passions, all while being funny and kind.”

Ben Freeman
Budding astronomer, you have traveled far and wide to find stars and returned with jaw-dropping photos. You watch NASA launches and cherish your telescope, yet you find ways to dive in elsewhere—from your violin to competitive swimming at DU to an immersive marine biology program in Belize, the universe is yours to explore.

Aly Gallagher
The way you take charge with grace and power is impressive. As CC and H.O.P.E. Co-President, you get people to do things they didn’t think they could, because you believe in others. Astute mind in the classroom, creative senior prankster, fierce defender on the Lax Team, and State Champion swimmer, we can’t imagine CA without you.

Peter Gastis
Soccer may be your game, but name any sport and we know you have dozens of stats stored away, ready to share your passion. As a student, your growth has been remarkable, and your genuine dedication to the kids in Horizons warms our heart. Great Senior Buddy, awesome big brother, you embrace all aspects of our community.

Gab Gaw
One of Madame’s most advanced students of French, a dancer of grace and long-standing member of choir, your creative talents and flair have not been missed. Open-minded, you befriend others easily, you give your time generously at Children’s Hospital, and when a need is at hand, we know we can count on you to volunteer.

Caroline Gillespie
Positive, level-headed, willing to speak up, your talents shine as a nationally ranked dressage equestrian, in creative and analytical writing, your photography portfolio show, and as a Senior Buddy. We value your dedication to fostering inclusive communities and your willingness to engage deeply in your learning.

Alexis Goldman
Determined, kind, and brave, your growth mindset and commitment to our community leaves us in awe. From theater and rock climbing to your academic work, and service trips to Haiti and Senegal, you break out of your comfort zone and put others first—just ask your CLT group or your siblings—you inspire us all to be better humans.

Alyvia Gonzales
Strong as they come, you are also courageous; you bounce back from obstacles more fierce than ever. A world traveler with true perspective, a “Peggycita” lover of language, a gritty basketball star, a courageous REDI lab-er, and a dedicated lifeguard, you do it all while genuinely caring for others. We’re so excited to see what you do in college and beyond.

Catie Groves
A spark plug of positive energy, you go after every challenge head-on. We love to watch you crush it on the Soccer field with your signature lime green headband. Your teachers rave about your positive attitude and insatiable desire to learn. Equally talented in the art studio, your charcoal drawings in your Portfolio Show blew us away.

Hagen Hall
A fantastic computer scientist and mathematician, you also happen to scale mountains and ski the backcountry. You broke all the skin on your fingers from climbing and still you’re at the math chalkboard furiously scribbling problems. Always documenting your experiences with a camera, even from the top of some impossible climb, you show us a world we would not otherwise see.

Nina Hall
A super-lifer, your courage, self-awareness, and genuine kindness are your trademarks. Your Portfolio Show made us think, and your beautiful writing draws us in. From Volleyball to your volunteer work in the lab at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, your strong work ethic, passion for learning, and ability to stand up for what’s right touches everything you do.

Tristan Hall
Winner of the Music Award, we are left in awe of your musical talent that spans All State Choir, All State Orchestra, arranging your own piece for the choir concert, and winning Honors recital auditions. Your maturity and empathy make you a true leader, in CLT, C-Club, and simply by being a caring friend.

Rachel Harris
As only a Sophomore, you presented a 5Up speech, and we knew you were going places. Your passion for theater and music (even Karaoke with Dee!) entertains us, just as your book on Haiti made us reflect on what we have. A true leader in the arts, especially in the theater which you love so much, we know you bring passion and commitment to everything you do.

Bryce Harvey
Winner of the Music Department award, you are deeply talented, in electronic music and as a drummer, guitarist, choir member, and composer. A rock-solid community member, Horizons volunteer, and Captain of the Ultimate team, you lead by example, bringing others into the fold and making our community stronger.

Thomas Ho
Your doodles fill the page, and there’s no ignoring the vast and creative intellectual spirit behind your quiet eyes. A budding engineer and mathematician, you explored your skills in REDI lab and learned the power of your mind. You think in big pictures, you are a GREAT big brother, and there is nobody faster on the Ultimate field.

Alena Holbert
Grit personified, you raise the bar wherever you go, whether conquering a highly rated boulder problem, taking on our most advanced classes, or doing volunteer work in China. You are a powerhouse, from computer science and AP Chinese to being a nationally ranked rock climber. We will miss your down-to-earth brilliance, and we know you will make a deep impact wherever you go.

Sal Husain
Are you spying on us right now?! Your cyber security expertise and a few run-ins with the tech department have made us better. A polyglot and CA super-lifer, you write beautifully, love Spanish, and even speak binary. You are bursting with curiosity, energy as Spirit Captain of Ultimate, and have a ready smile. We know you will use your powers wisely.

Grace Iozza-Lukkes
Intuitive, passionate, and determined, you are a gifted writer, singer, Volleyball player and photographer. You brought the house down in Little Shop of Horrors and facilitated essential dialogue through PlatFORUM. In your senior speech, you demonstrated the courage and strength in vulnerability. You speak from your heart and your words have power.

Andrew Jeffries
You are bright, upbeat, and always up for an adventure. As a CA super-lifer, your friendships and connection to teachers have brought you happiness that is infectious. On the Soccer and Lacrosse fields, you give your best to others. Your passion for math and physics will allow you to uncover more of life’s mysteries in the next phase of your journey.

Sadie Jenkins
A friend says of you: “Most people stick to their comfort zones, but Sadie jumps in with both feet.” You are engaging, smart, and resilient. We saw in your brave PlatFORUM session that you don’t shy away from difficult conversations. Haiti changed your perspective and highlighted your gift for working with kids and your deep compassion for others.

Caroline Jordaan
With laser focus and passion, you led your golf team to victory and won the individual state title this year. You brought this same big heart and dedication to the classroom, to Advisory, photography, to your siblings, and to your Kindergarten Buddy. When we hear country music blasting on a golf course one day, we will look for you.

Richter Jordaan
Scholar, writer, computer scientist, beloved big brother, Tennis State Champion. You made it all look easy. We laughed at your perfect memes, smiled when you brought cantaloupe to Puddles the hamster, and noticed the way you walked eagerly to each and every class. Humble winner of the English Department award, you wear your heart on your sleeve.

Mark Keplinger
With your unwavering positive attitude and sincere openness, you pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone. You’ve become a history buff, a committed Horizons volunteer, and a Soccer enthusiast, here and while in Senegal. On stage and behind the scenes, you found your niche. We will keep rooting for you.

Alex Kim
On skis and off, you have raced, steady and brave. Even quantum mechanics did not slow you down! Your inner math nerd navigates big ideas, while your voice in Chanteurs and in the classroom is vibrant yet patient. Here at CA and on faraway continents, you have tirelessly supported others in their learning. Contemplating life with friends, you are home.

Caroline Koclanes
“Poise and propensity for excellence” in violin and youth orchestra, a basketball player who stayed committed through injuries, and outstanding scholar, your work in Mock Trial shows us you could be an attorney already! And your strength in our science labs, your talent in the pit of Les Mis, and your world travels mark you as our true Renaissance woman.

Bennett Liu
A hard worker who is all heart: budding entrepreneur, builder of apps, winner of the Jennifer Wu award, your generosity knows no bounds—from the Karen people living in Thailand, to the refugee kids in Project KARE, to your peers in Knowledge Bowl. Infectious in your joy, you always balance serious dedication with warmth and humor.

Máire McHugh
Genuine, outgoing, you embrace others with respect. Your celebrated photography is an expression of your care. Haiti changed your life and motivated you to give back through organizing the Denver Haiti Run. As Co-Captain of Field Hockey, you mentored others. We enjoyed celebrating your wedding on Senior Prank Day and celebrating you each and every day.

Lauren McKee
Thoughtful, driven, and curious, you have been fully immersed in the CA community, through Field Hockey, studio art, as a CA camp counselor, and through your love of learning. You were awarded the Griggs Dayton World Language Award and put 100 percent into everything you do. A multi-talented phenom with a kind and authentic soul.

Sachin Mehta
You discovered your beloved fencing through a CA summer camp, and it has taken you so far. Your skills are formidable, your dedication unmatched, your wit—now saber-like, too. From creating worm experiments to studying bee venom, we think you’ve taken every science class we offer! A wise elder in the body of a teenager and first-class athlete.

Will Miller
Great fly fisherman and great leader of Middle School kids, you embody the spirit of a Colorado outdoorsman. We know you will always serve the communities to which you are so dedicated. Enthusiastic and engaged in the Innovations lab, you like to roll up your sleeves, think creatively, and get the job done.

Jared Miranda-Ogaz
You are a beloved member of the CA community and an amazing big brother. An intuitive and empathetic community-builder, you have made a deep impact on CLT and the Soccer Team, as the Horizons photographer and in your Portfolio Show. Gracious, open-minded, and genuine to the core, you are an example for us all.

Sloane Murphy
You excel in everything you do and embody the Zach Hills Award: humble, gracious, and grounded. Super-lifer, you bring curiosity, confidence, and grit to your work in the classroom, on the Lacrosse field, in Mock Trial, REDI Lab, and Jazz Combo. Is there anything you can’t do? We have no doubt you are off to change the world.

Katie Murphy
Powerhouse and animal lover, you got up at 5:30 a.m. to track baby turtles for your research in Belize. You are dedicated to your goal of becoming a vet, and we know you will help countless creatures in your future. From building a well-planned gingerbread castle over break, to your work in the lab and volunteering for the Dumb Friends League, your passions fuel you.

Alexander Mushkin
A standout student and athlete, your humility makes you incredibly receptive to feedback, and your intuition makes you a natural leader. Basketball Captain, passionate writer and filmmaker, Turkish exchange student, French speaker and coder, you do it all. Your gift for storytelling and communicating the human experience runs deep.

Lucy Myers
A powerful right side hitter on the courts, a writer of great insight, and a photographer of great talent and creativity, you embrace the three A’s of CA—academics, athletics and arts. You went to Nationals with your Volleyball team, astounded us in your Portfolio Show, and helped lead a PlatFORUM workshop with grace.

Ben Nelligan
Happy, confident, eager to start up conversations with just about everyone. On campus, you are in your element, sprinting up the Lacrosse field, surveying the Golf green, greeting teachers, volunteering for H.O.P.E. The treehouse you built on Interim will be here waiting for you. As a CA lifer, you have put down roots.

Jack Oberg
Though you aspire to produce music, you may have just launched your acting career in the award-winning student film "A Hunter of Sorts." On the Lacrosse field or volunteering for H.O.P.E., you gave back. Perceptive, self-aware, eager to find ways to connect with new people and learn about the world, you have been an advocate for good.

Gracia O'Donnell
You are so committed to learning in your classes and are a genuine caretaker of others, from the freshmen in your CLT group to your own little brother. When you set on the Volleyball court, we know you mean business. Humble to the core and deeply empathetic, your care and kindness have made our school a better place.

Graham Osman
We have seen you grow and flourish. You knock it out of the park in physics and crunch numbers in economics just as assuredly as you throw strikes from the pitcher’s mound. Sincere, engaging, calm under pressure, and blessed with a cannon for a left arm, you inspire your teammates and classmates.

Charlie Parham
Charismatic and caring, you are a leader in Advisory, as an extraordinary CA camp counselor, and on the Soccer Team. Champion cup stacker, juggler, headband wearer, and scorer of multiple game-winning goals, you always make our day when we see you waving the purple camp flag and engaging children with your infinite repertoire of camp songs.

Roberto Parra
We’ve loved watching you grow into an engaged, dedicated, and compassionate student, filmmaker, guitarist, Soccer player, and friend. You are a most honorable caballero, in the best sense of the word. Your work with Horizons highlights your strong character, open-minded worldview, and your commitment to community.

Lauren Preston
In your Portfolio Show, you identified a young colt as your spirit animal, and it is clear that you have more than found your legs here at CA. An aspiring architect, your drawings are striking and leave no doubt that you will reach your goals. Nobody works harder, from the Tennis court to the classroom to the art studio. Your effort makes every environment a better one.

Eric Rumsfeld
Chinese-speaking, soccer-playing, jazz band musician, and adventurous world traveler, you seem to do it all effortlessly. For the past two summers, you interned at an orphanage in China, where you developed deep empathy for working with others across cultures. We love your kindness, positivity, and endless intellectual curiosity.

Lauren Schafer
Your love of dance has defined much of your time at CA, but you’ve discovered resilience and newfound insight in Upper School. Your trip to Haiti, your growth in science labs, and your evolution in our community revealed the depth of your talents beyond the dance studio. You are a good and loyal friend and strong big sister.

Peter Schmid
Our philosopher-engineer. You came alive researching turtles in Belize, traveling to D.C., tinkering in your workshop, playing the drums, and while solving the mysteries of the universe during hikes with friends. Your enthusiastic engagement earned you the Pat Hogan Science Award. Personable, curious, you love to help others advance their own ideas.

Lena Schneck
Thoughtful, self-aware, giving, you mentored through CLT and drove your science lab group forward. You may be the first student ever to make up rap songs about math. You exude passion: passion for justice, for the environment, for the work of Philanthropy Board and Peruvian Hearts, for women’s rights, photography, and simply for learning, joyfully.

Noah Schulte
Your whole life is about learning. We love how much you geek out over Basketball, politics, and popular culture. You are amazing with statistics and express yourself fast and fluidly through the written word. Podcaster, blogger, committed Kokopelli editor, Co-founder of the Student Review newspaper, and, importantly, a really good big brother.

April Schwartz
You walk in with your signature “So—hey fellas,” and we can’t help but grin. From American Buffalo in the Basement Theatre to your astoundingly entertaining performance in Les Mis, you left us in awe. Hut trips, Mock Trial, and any seminar discussion are enriched by your presence and incredible sense of humor.

Charlie Selby
An optimist to the core, you have learned to celebrate life and remind us to do the same. Calm, genuine, kind, you help others at the drop of a hat. China captured your heart, and you immersed yourself in language, culture, and travel. Your dedication to film culminated in a memorable portfolio. We will miss your ready smile.

Makayla Sileo
You will change the world. We watch as you seemingly glide across campus, and we instantly feel serene. A cerebral artist and writer extraordinaire, “you live the weight of words.” When you gave the first Senior Speech about your New Zealand adventure, we knew you had arrived as one of the voices of wisdom and measure in the chaos of high school.

Maggie Silliman
Has anyone read more books than you? We think you might have checked out everything from the library. Fierce on the court and in classroom, you have dribbled and voraciously made your way through our school. Plus your musical skills from rock band to solo flute to the choir room are undeniable. Mr. Bernstein is still hearing that piccolo!

Will Smart
Boundless energy and boundless devotion to learning. Super talented, super cheerful, and super busy, you are nothing less than super...“Smart.” You leave CA with the highest accolades for everything: film, computer science, piano, tennis, Chinese, choir. We don’t know how you do it! (Remember to pick up your razor scooter and ukulele from Mr. Hammer’s office.)

Charlie Smith
Your strong character, humility, and natural sense of justice are common threads through everything you do, from your homestay in rural China, to Colorado Young Leaders and the Tennis Team. You don’t seek accolades or attention, yet you have a kind and generous heart and a deep appreciation for the gifts we each bring to the table.

Cleo Smith
Super-lifer, you have led our community in so many ways, through the Lacrosse Team, CLT, and C-Club. You are positive, resilient and thrive on human connection, which is shown through your hard work in the classroom, your talent for photography, and your role as an empathetic friend. Our anchor, we are “Beleebers” in your bright future.

Mason Smith
A remarkable polyglot, you have learned more languages than anyone we know and are more well-read than most PhDs. Winner of the Social Studies award, gifted cellist, you are so admired by your peers. As Mr. Thomas stated, “You don’t just ride the bus, you drive and pick up others along the way,” embracing the life and mind of a true scholar.

Christian Stevens
Even as you speed your way across the ice, you stop to make time for others. Early mornings and long days traveling for junior hockey haven’t slowed you down. Chemistry got you fired up, and time working at the pet store and laughing with your Kindergarten Buddy and close friends kept you light on your feet. You seek balance.

Emilio Teran
You don’t just think about ideas—you make them happen. You are the tireless leader of the yearbook and Co-founder of the Student Review newspaper. You stepped up to make a difference in the walkout against gun violence, Les Mis, and CLT. Winner of the Courage Award, you are the best of what CA stands for: you inspire us to take chances on things that matter.

Yatzari Venzor
You have emerged as a leader, and we have been blown away by your brave voice and dedication to PlatFORUM, FACES, and Horizons. You lift up those around you and connect across boundaries. From your dedication in the classroom to the Volleyball court, you work hard, always with a positive attitude, growth mindset, and compassionate heart.

Monika Williams
We can’t keep up with you. You’ve shattered records in track and trained and competed at the highest levels, all with great humility. Your dedication to FACES and PlatFORUM and to facilitating difficult conversations has directly impacted others. Your teachers were moved by your writing, your love of science, and by your sincere joy.

Story Wolf-Tinsman
You can beat anyone on the court, even wearing Chacos and a 50-pound pack! With your positive energy and spirit, you understand life in a way that few humans do. NOLS and CLT leader, and wonderful sister and daughter, you live unafraid. Strong and empowered, you have earned our utmost admiration and respect.

Kayla Wolins
A friend calls you, “A cool combination of outdoor junkie, artist, philosopher, and bridge between people.” You forged your own unique path through CA; you design what you want to see and truly own your experience. From HMI and REDI Lab to founding your own nonprofit to benefit the Wild Animal Sanctuary, you are selfless, sincere, and unapologetically Kayla.

Spencer Wootten
An understated powerhouse, you lead with genuine kindness and innate positivity. A fantastic CLT, Co-founder of the Knowledge Bowl, and a natural leader on the Basketball court, younger players call you “coach.” Your dedication to academics, Basketball, and music (achieving All State Choir), showcases your integrity, talent, and steadfast work ethic.

Campbell Zantop-Zimlinghaus
Trustworthy, eager to learn, sincere: these worthy ways come naturally to you. A protector, you kept us safe at the pool and donated pints of blood to help strangers. With enthusiasm, you researched in Belize, perfected your pitch in Chanteurs, and dribbled up the Soccer field and Basketball courts. A super-lifer for life, you have a heart of gold.

Peyton Zantop-Zimlinghaus
When you dive to explore a reef, stride down the Lacrosse field, or connect with people who are different from you, you bring your relaxed confidence and put others at ease. Traveling to Peru affirmed your passion for photography and culminated in your thoughtful portfolio. Distant waters await you, but to us you’ll be a super-lifer for life.
To view or purchase professional photographs from the Commencement Dinner, please go to:
Password: CAGrads2019
Photos will be loaded over several days, so please keep checking back.