As we near the end of the school year and consider the year that this has been, I am grateful for having had a view of our community from the front row. Throughout our COVID year, I had a front-row seat to witness the thoughtful, visionary, selfless leadership of our school, the amazing team of Parent Association leaders keeping our community connected, and a strong school community that is generous, caring, and supportive.
At the beginning of this year, a group of faculty was asked what they loved about Colorado Academy. Some of the responses can be confirmed by a visit to our website: “a beautiful campus;” “the diverse opportunities.” But some of their responses can only be experienced by those in our community: “supportive families,” “joyful partnerships,” a school that is “always changing,” “a caring community,” “a thoughtful approach to everything,” and “transformational experiences.” These are the true riches of being a part of the CA community—getting to experience nurturing and the encouragement to grow. No one can blame us for being ready to get past the pandemic; and, in our hurry, we assume that we want to return to our previous “normal.” Our school, however, calls us to want more for our kids, to want and expect that their education will prepare them to thrive, serve, and lead in the world that is coming. Once again, being a part of this school and its community pushes me to think bigger—for my kids and for our world. This school culture is unique and valuable, worth preserving and passing on.
The Passing of the Gavel
I was honored to serve you, with you, this year.

One of the great things about the Parent Association at Colorado Academy is how we have succession planning built into our structure; and leadership transition, into our programming. Our incoming President Kellie Prall has served our parent community as President-Elect this year, and as PA Treasurer for the three years before that. She has helped establish and improve many PA processes during those years and has been actively involved in almost every one of our events and activities. She has also had children in all three divisions and understands the inner workings of our school. Most importantly, Kellie loves our school. I have been so lucky to get to work with her this year, and I have the highest respect for her wisdom and leadership. As I “pass the gavel” to Kellie, I invite you to join me in welcoming her and the incredible team of parents that makes up the incoming Executive Committee. You will find the members of the incoming Executive Committee listed below.
Also listed below are our Class Leads, our Committee Chairs, and our 2020-2021 Executive Committee, all of whom have shown me this year how to live out dedication, service, and community-building. Not individually listed, but no less appreciated, are all of our parent volunteers who helped us this year with PA fundraisers, CA Cares, the Classroom Monitors program, faculty and staff appreciation efforts, Admission Zoom sessions and tours, Appreciation Week activities, and those who have signed up to help at Commencement. You are what makes our community vibrant and resilient, and anything the PA takes on can only happen because of you. Thank you for helping us this year, with your good cheer and your good ideas.
One of the things that I tell prospective parents when they visit CA is that ours is a community that “roots” for other people’s kids. In that vein, if you know a graduating Senior this year, I invite you to send them a note—let them know that they have dealt with more than most of us had at their age, and that you value them and are cheering them on. We are their community.
With gratitude for our shared journey,
Alice Rydberg
CA Parent Association
Colorado Academy Parent Association:
2020-2021 CA Parent Association Executive Committee
Position | Name |
President | Alice Rydberg |
President Elect | Kellie Prall |
Vice President-US | Jeanne Coleman |
Brenda Alexander | |
Vice President-MS | Ann Reidy |
Yama Foreman | |
Vice President-LS | Alyssa Clarke |
Meg Braun | |
Secretary | Gina Kennedy |
Treasurer | Amy Martin |
Communications Coordinators | Allyson Jacoby |
Heather Spruell | |
Volunteer& Outreach Coordinator | Jenny Wolkon |
Community Appreciation Coordinator | Marte Timmers |
PA Gifting Chair | Lyndsey Farncombe |
2020-2021 CA Parent Association Class Leads
Grade | Teacher / Dean | Class Lead Name |
Lower School | ||
Pre-Kindergarten | Cottage | Dusty Fitzgerald |
Pre-Kindergarten | Casita | Lyndsey Farncombe |
Kindergarten | Owens | Heather Pollard |
Patterson | Amanda Wall |
West | Christina Joymon | |
First Grade | Giarusso | Marie White |
Ingham | Erin Salazar | |
Ollett | Erin Davis | |
Second Grade | Lundeen | Helen Weekes |
McCoy | Vanessa Homuth | |
Robinson | Caity Barton | |
Third Grade | Elkins | Kelly Snyder |
Leeuwenburg | Tanya Hicks | |
Stone | Lissa Cullen | |
Fourth Grade | Brown | Jenna Burstein |
Hertig | Melinda Robinson | |
Kolson-Jackson | Courtney Ringham | |
Fifth Grade | Grantham | Morgan Hersch |
Ohly | Claire O'Laughlin |
Wachtel | Lindsay Miller | |
Middle School | ||
Sixth Grade | - | Priya Burkett |
Seventh Grade | - | Nancy Kimball |
Eighth Grade | - | Eileen McCoy |
Upper School | ||
Freshman | Meg Hill | Catherine Rollhaus |
Laurie Smith | ||
Sophomore | Emily Perez | Dianna May |
Amy McPheeters | ||
Junior | Steve Hammer | Sharon Cravitz |
Stacy McHugh | ||
Senior | Gabe Bernstein | Sara Carpenter |
Libby Dietrich |
2020-2021 CA Parent Association Committee Chairs
Committee | Name |
Alive at 25 | Carolyn Wachuta |
Laura Agelopoulos | |
AP Exam Proctors | Allison Perkins |
Liz Walker | |
Arts Around | Emily Mrig |
Lesley Argent | |
Rosemarie Wipfelder-Kumpe | |
Arts Festival | Bethany Glesser |
Amy Martin | |
Book Fair | Dusty Fitzgerald |
Alexa Braun | |
CA Cares | Jami Acker |
Angie Mielke | |
Cookie Fest | Brooke Beasley |
Robin Cook | |
Faculty & Staff Appreciation | Marte Timmers |
LS - Stephanie Abar | |
LS - Jenny Gannon | |
MS - Mary Hagen | |
MS - Marni Myers | |
US - Molly Blake | |
US - Alexandra Weeks | |
Giant Relay- Parent Team | Dan Carson |
Holiday Mart | Amy Stettner |
Nancy Kimball | |
Homecoming Committee | Tricia Vath |
Whitney Ladd | |
Lifetouch School Photographs | Lindsay Miller |
Mustang Spirit Club | Anne Storjohann |
Nominating | Jill Rakowski |
Parent Activities | Gregory Richardson |
Parent Ambassador Coordinators | Allyson Jacoby - LS |
Liz Oertel - MS | |
Heidi Wolfe - US | |
Passive Fundraising | Alexandra Band |
Greer Ryan | |
Taste of CA: A Virtual Celebration of Cultures | Christina Joymon |
Meghan Geisler | |
Think & Drive | Cindy O'Donnell |
Jeanne Coleman | |
Brenda Alexander | |
Trevor Brown Portraits | Maggie Shapiro |
Used Book Sale - Coming Back in 2022 | Maggie Shapiro |
Holly Garnsey | |
Volunteer & Outreach | Jenny Wolkon |
Welcome to CA Committee | Candice Gottlieb |
Elisabeth Noyes | |
Wreath & Garland | Vanessa Homuth |
Dana Gordon |
2021-22 CA Parent Association Executive Committee
Position | Name |
President | Kellie Prall |
President Elect | Jenny Wolkon |
Vice President-US | Brenda Alexander |
Marte Timmers | |
Vice President-MS | Yama Foreman |
Lindsay Miller | |
Vice President-LS | Meg Braun |
Christina Joymon | |
Secretary | Gina Kennedy |
Treasurer | Amy Martin |
Communications Coordinators | Heather Spruell |
Sarah West | |
Volunteer& Outreach Coordinator | Lyndsey Farncombe |
Community Appreciation Coordinator | Reena Majmudar |
PA Gifting Chair | Vanessa Homuth |