Colorado Academy Homecoming 2022 went from quiet to loud, and then to very, very loud, over the course of two days of festivities and competitions, September 23-24, 2022.
Friday morning, September 23, started calmly enough, with donuts and bagels at the entrance to the Froelicher Upper School courtesy of the CA Alumni Association. Grateful students—many arriving in CA athletic gear or hand-decorated white overalls—made quick work of the treats as they fueled up for the day.

The volume went way up at the Friday afternoon all-school Spirit Assembly, when Director of Athletics Bill Hall, Senior members of the C Club, and Gus the Mustang hyped up students, faculty, and staff members out on a sun-drenched Baseball Field. Athletic “competitions” between Gus and C Club members dressed in the colors of CA’s rival schools had the audience cheering, and Lower Schoolers waved red-and-black pom-poms to support their peers competing in the traditional relay race around the diamond, which concluded with faculty members hunting for candy hidden in cream pies.

Hall took a moment to honor CA athletic teams that reached State Championship competition last year, and he saluted CA alumni who are current members of the faculty and staff.
A special guest, a horse named Stunner, added an exclamation point to the event by racing across the outfield, her trick rider carrying a CA flag and the American flag as she performed at a no-handed standing canter.
Friday night, Homecoming got still louder, as fans turned out in droves to root for all four of CA’s Upper School Field Hockey teams, which played successive matches under the lights on Slater Turf Field.

Saturday morning, the excitement continued with the annual Bike Parade around Stamper Commons led by Head of School Dr. Mike Davis, followed by the Homecoming Carnival in the Sculpture Garden.

Middle Schoolers welcomed Lower Schoolers to attractions such as the ring toss and the face-painting station, and Parent Association volunteers staffed the ticket booth and the Harvest Market, where families shopped for tasty goodies.

Fans pushed the noise level and enthusiasm to the max at the athletic competitions that went on throughout the day Saturday.

From coed Ultimate’s dominating 13-1 victory versus Cherry Creek on Wright Field in the morning, to Varsity Volleyball’s 3-1 win against Addenbrooke Classical Academy in the Field House in the afternoon, CA athletes gave fans every reason to cheer as this Homecoming weekend came to a close.