Lower Schoolers arrived for the first day of school, August 23, 2022, to find Principal Angie Crabtree, coaches, library staff, and other friendly faces waiting to greet them with hugs, high-fives, and smiles.

Teachers were just as excited to welcome the students in their classrooms. Some children had had the chance to explore the Lower School at the previous evening’s “meet & greet,” but there’s nothing like the thrill of the first day.

Head of School Dr. Mike Davis visited classrooms throughout the morning, offering his own enthusiastic greetings, as students found their desks, cubbies, and lockers and then completed fun day-one projects, such as creating “All-About-Me Bags,” posting hopes and dreams for the year on a bulletin board, and personalizing name tags.

Lower Schoolers later joined in the All-School Assembly, where Davis invited them to share a few of the things they were most looking forward to at CA.
“Field trips!” one exclaimed.
“The playground,” another said.

The playground was indeed a popular spot all day long, with Lower School students earning frequent playtime breaks to socialize, have fun, and burn first-day energy.

Reflecting on a successful opening of the Lower School, Angie Crabtree said, “For all 359 children in this division, it was a wonderful blend of joy, laughter, and friendship.”