How CA cares for students’ social and emotional health Vicki Hildner·February 20, 2018Waleed Khalifa ’17 describes his four years at Colorado Academy as a time when he learned to invest...College CounselingFeaturedLower SchoolMiddle SchoolUpper School
MS Social Studies Teacher, Adrian Green, on ‘Why I Teach’ Renee Rockford·February 15, 2018Colorado Academy Middle School Social Studies teacher Adrian Green talks about “Why I Teach.” Has there been a...AcademicsMiddle School
Answering the Call Dr. Julianne De Sal·February 1, 2018As the Dance Ensemble of Colorado Academy prepares for its February performance, In Concert ‘18, I am reminded...All-School NewsArtsArts DirectorLower SchoolMiddle SchoolUpper School
Taking Stock at Mid-Year Bill Wolf-Tinsman·January 31, 2018Wednesday, January 24, 2018, marked the midpoint of the school year. I imagine there was not a lot...Middle SchoolMiddle School Principal
Vocal Music Director Cindy Jordan on ‘Why I Teach’ Communications·January 3, 2018Colorado Academy Music teacher Cindy Jordan talks about “Why I Teach.” Has there been a teacher who made...ArtsMiddle SchoolUpper School
MS Science Teacher Sue Counterman on ‘Why I Teach’ Communications·January 2, 2018Middle School science teacher Sue Counterman explains “Why I Teach.” Has there been a teacher who made a...AcademicsMiddle School
Do The Math: Club Doubles in Size Vicki Hildner·December 5, 2017When Math teacher Kathy Zolla held her first meeting of the Middle School Math Club this year, she...AcademicsMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Technology: Friend of Foe? Bill Wolf-Tinsman·December 4, 2017Not to give away the punchline in the first sentence, but I think we all know the answer...FeaturedMiddle SchoolMiddle School PrincipalOn CAmpus Newsletter
Worley celebrates serving 30 seniors for 12 years Vicki Hildner·November 3, 2017Parents—next time you can’t figure out what to make for your children’s lunch, think about CA’s Paul Worley....FeaturedLower SchoolMiddle SchoolUpper School
CA Asks Students to ‘Unplug’ Vicki Hildner·September 27, 2017Disconnect and unplug. That’s the new message for Colorado Academy students when they arrive at the CA Campus...FeaturedLower SchoolMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
A New Year for Learning in Middle School Bill Wolf-Tinsman·September 27, 2017Beginnings are important. Setting a tone, creating a thoughtful school culture, helping others get off to a good...FeaturedMiddle SchoolMiddle School Principal
Retracing a Refugee’s Journey Communications·August 11, 2017By Sue Counterman, MS Science teacher I met Aguil Lual Deng for the first time in July 2017,...FeaturedMiddle School
Can a Good Cup of Joe Reshape Learning Renee Rockford·June 23, 2017Creighton Williams Abrams was a U.S. Army General who served in Vietnam, Korea and World War II. Hailed...FeaturedMiddle SchoolUpper School
School Years Travel at Light Speed Bill Wolf-Tinsman·June 20, 2017 Einstein posited that as you approach the speed of light, it can make it seem to the observer as if time...FeaturedMiddle SchoolMiddle School PrincipalOn CAmpus Newsletter
Summer Magic Bill Wolf-Tinsman·May 2, 2017The month of May reminds me that summer is right around the corner. With warmer, longer days come...FeaturedMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Parenting in an Anxious Age Dr. Mike Davis·April 28, 2017A parent recently asked me, “How do I set high standards for my child without creating a family...FeaturedHead of SchoolLower SchoolMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Asking the Right Questions Bill Wolf-Tinsman·March 28, 2017Schools are complex, human institutions entrusted with the honor and responsibility of developing our most precious resource, our...Middle SchoolMiddle School Principal
The Writing Teacher in the ‘Real World’ admins·February 21, 2017When I tell people that I am an English teacher, they immediately suppose I enjoy busting people for...FeaturedMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
CA To Welcome Author Jason Reynolds Communications·January 31, 2017Critically acclaimed author Jason Reynolds will meet Colorado Academy Middle School students when he visits CA on Friday,...Middle School
Middle School Student Raises Money for Local Teen Communications·January 4, 2017During the summer of 2016, seventh grader Brody Taylor received a letter. He says the signature was a...FeaturedMiddle School
Courage & Conversation: A Recommended Read Communications·December 1, 2016Colorado Academy has joined in a yearlong project to read books selected for all ages on the theme...All-School NewsLower SchoolMiddle SchoolUpper School