Making Sense (Cents) With Real World Learning Dr. Mike Davis·February 16, 2018I am a big believer in “real world” learning. By this, I mean creating authentic learning experiences that...FeaturedHead of School
Mock Trial Teams Headed to State Tournament Renee Rockford·February 12, 2018Two of Colorado Academy’s three High School Mock Trial teams are headed to the State Tournament, set for...AcademicsFeaturedUpper School
Graziano Coaches with ‘Team First’ Philosophy Jon Hill·February 1, 2018Before each game, Colorado Academy’s Girls Basketball Coach Cyndi Graziano (known to her players as “Coach G”) gives...AthleticsFeaturedUpper School
CA Announces $1M+ Match Communications·January 30, 2018Colorado Academy is announcing $1.8 million fundraising match as part of its current See it Through capital campaign....Featured
CA’s Own Jazz Festival to Hit CA Campus this Spring Communications·January 30, 2018“Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler,” or “Let the Good Times Roll” at Colorado Academy’s hottest event of the...ArtsFeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
Piñón’s college plans are a first at CA Vicki Hildner·January 25, 2018All seniors at Colorado Academy face challenges and decisions as they apply to college or make plans for...AcademicsCollege CounselingFeaturedUpper School
On Civil Discourse and Conversation Dr. Mike Davis·January 20, 2018As any reader of this blog knows, I firmly believe that the social and emotional learning that takes...FeaturedHead of School
CA Sets Swim Team Record Vicki Hildner·January 18, 2018When Anne Younger started swimming for CA as a freshman four years ago, the entire Swim Team could...AthleticsFeaturedUpper School
Digital Tough Love: A Necessary Approach to Parenting Dr. Mike Davis·January 10, 2018Welcome back everyone; it’s good to be back in school! In my reading over break, I came across...FeaturedHead of School
Collaboration Creates New Architecture Course Vicki Hildner·January 8, 2018When CA Senior Tommy Ehringer started thinking about career options, he knew he wanted to pursue a vocation...ArtsFeaturedUpper School
How Did Coding Become CA’s New Team Sport? Vicki Hildner·January 4, 2018If you thought team sports at Colorado Academy were confined to the basketball court or soccer field, you...AcademicsFeaturedLower School
Lower School masters 3D printing Vicki Hildner·January 2, 2018Do you remember an era when students were disciplined for classroom misdeeds by staying inside during recess? At...FeaturedLower School
Parent-Teacher Conferences—Plus One Vicki Hildner·December 5, 2017Last year, when she was in third grade, Kate Freeman heard about her Parent-Teacher Conference from her mother...FeaturedLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Students H.O.P.E. Teaches Personal and Practical Lessons Communications·December 5, 2017For the leaders of the Students H.O.P.E. club at Colorado Academy, the personal outweighs the practical. “I’ve learned...Experiential EducationFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
In-Depth on Immigration: CA Launches Single-Topic Intensive Study Vicki Hildner·December 5, 2017Colorado Academy is launching a new, intensive study program for Upper School freshmen, designed to provide a weeklong...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
AP Spanish Class Takes on Medical Translation Project Vicki Hildner·December 5, 2017When CA Senior Colin Zenge’s mother, Jeanne Zenge, M.D., found she had a communications challenge in her work...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Working with Students Half a World Away Communications·December 5, 2017“All three students are very motivated to learn Chinese,” says Colorado Academy Upper School Mandarin Chinese teacher Julie...Experiential EducationFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
College Majors and Their Impact on Careers Sara Purviance·December 5, 2017Intertwined with selecting a college is choosing a college major — in fact, the majority of CA seniors...College CounselingFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
What is a CA Education Worth? Dr. Mike Davis·December 5, 2017I’ve been thinking a lot about this question. As a Head of School, it is my job to...FeaturedHead of SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Why is Self-Reflection a Good Thing for Students to Do? Dr. Jon Vogels·December 5, 2017First of all, research shows that giving reflection time is valuable to anyone as a means of creating...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper SchoolUpper School Principal
Technology: Friend of Foe? Bill Wolf-Tinsman·December 4, 2017Not to give away the punchline in the first sentence, but I think we all know the answer...FeaturedMiddle SchoolMiddle School PrincipalOn CAmpus Newsletter