No Bad Music Bill Fisher·November 18, 2024“Life is too short to settle for bad music.” That’s the simple raison d’être of Colorado Academy’s ambitious,...ArtsFeaturedMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Fans, Families Celebrate Signing Day 2024 Bill Fisher·November 15, 2024November 14 was Signing Day 2024 at Colorado Academy, as six student-athletes officially committed to competing at the...AthleticsFeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
Veterans Day 2024: Saluting One of Our Own Dr. Mike Davis·November 7, 2024As Veterans Day approaches, I feel it is important to share the reflections of one of our team...All-School NewsFaculty/StaffFeaturedHead of SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Eighth Grade Considers the 2024 Presidential Election Bill Fisher·November 3, 2024Teaching Middle School Civics during a presidential election year is no small challenge. Teaching it during this particular...AcademicsFeaturedMiddle SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
The Importance of Annual Fundraising for Our School Community Dr. Mike Davis·October 24, 2024As the Head of School, I am often asked why we need to engage in annual fundraising efforts,...FeaturedHead of School
In 2024, HOPE Student Leaders Eye Growth Bill Fisher·October 23, 2024Colorado Academy’s largest student-led organization, HOPE, has grown to become a philanthropic “known quantity” in the region over...All-School NewsFeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
Four Is a Magic Number Bill Fisher·October 22, 2024Some might say that Fourth Grade flies under the Lower School radar. It doesn’t seem to reverberate as...FeaturedLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Reflections on the October 7 Attacks Dr. Mike Davis·October 3, 2024Monday marks the one-year anniversary of the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas on Israel, in which thousands...All-School NewsEditor's PicksFeaturedHead of School
Homecoming 2024 Bill Fisher·September 30, 2024This year’s Homecoming Weekend at Colorado Academy kicked off on a spectacular early-fall Friday, when students and teachers...All-School NewsAlumniFeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
Admission Preview Pride and Teamwork Dr. Mike Davis·September 26, 2024There have been so many nights I go home filled with pride. The camaraderie of this community humbles...AdmissionEditor's PicksFeaturedHead of School
Celebrating the Freedom to Read Allison Peters Jensen·September 26, 2024Librarians and educators nationwide marked National Banned Books Week from September 22-28, 2024. This important week highlights the...FeaturedLibraries DirectorLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Lower School Sports Take the Field Bill Fisher·September 26, 2024This September, after Colorado Academy introduced its after-school athletics program for Lower School students in Kindergarten through Grade...AthleticsFeaturedLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Wisdom Echoes in CA Senior Speech Tradition Bill Fisher·September 25, 2024“For as long as I can remember, I have always been a person who loves to love,” Leah...FeaturedOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
CA Middle School Global Travel Catalog – 2024-2025 Communications·September 24, 2024Join CA on trips to Costa Rica, The Netherlands, and Belize! OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM At Colorado Academy, we...All-School NewsEditor's PicksExperiential EducationFeaturedUpper School
CA Upper School Global Travel Catalog – 2024-2025 Communications·September 19, 2024Join CA on trips to Costa Rica, Colombia, Greece, Taiwan, and Spain! OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM At Colorado Academy,...All-School NewsEditor's PicksExperiential EducationFeaturedUpper School
Third Grade Listens to Stories of the Plains Bill Fisher·September 19, 2024For Colorado Academy Third Graders, an annual fall visit to the Plains Conservation Center may seem like just...AcademicsExperiential EducationFeaturedLower SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Good and Evil and Civil Discourse: A Day with David Brooks Bill Fisher·September 12, 2024When honest, unrehearsed remarks about the U.S. Presidential candidates’ September 10 debate performances served as the warmup in...All-School NewsFeaturedHead of SchoolOn CAmpus NewsletterUpper School
CA Hosts David Brooks Dr. Mike Davis·September 12, 2024New York Times columnist and PBS NewsHour contributor David Brooks was Colorado Academy‘s featured guest at the first...Editor's PicksFeaturedHead of School
Welcome Back, Renaissance Woman: Leilani Abeyta ’18 Bill Fisher·September 3, 2024The first time she came to visit Colorado Academy, in third grade, Leilani Abeyta ’18 recalls thinking to...AlumniArtsFaculty/StaffFeaturedOn CAmpus Newsletter
Surgeon General’s Warning: Parenting is Hard! Dr. Mike Davis·September 3, 2024It was striking to see Dr. Vivek H. Murthy issue a Surgeon General’s Advisory about parenting. Typically, we...FeaturedHead of SchoolOn CAmpus Newsletter
Being Seen at Colorado Academy Dr. Mike Davis·August 23, 2024What a fantastic first week of school we’ve had! It’s been wonderful to see our students back on...Editor's PicksFeaturedHead of School