At the Parent Association’s Get Involved Fair on the first day of school

A Challenge to Our Parent and Guardian Community

At this time of year, we urge our children to approach school with courage, curiosity, and kindness. We challenge them to explore new opportunities and form connections with unfamiliar people.

As the President-Elect of the Parent Association, I want to extend the same challenge to our parent and guardian community. As part of Colorado Academy, you are members of the Parent Association (PA). The PA offers a range of chances to try out fresh endeavors and make new acquaintances.

At the Winter Market

The PA hosts beloved events such as Homecoming, Harvest Market, New Family Welcome Bags, Winter Market, and the Used Book Sale. Additionally, there are parent-led clubs for activities like tennis, biking, hiking, and more. Our objective is to cultivate a sense of community and unity within the school.

I challenge each parent or guardian to participate for just one hour in one activity. My hope is that you’ll walk away feeling deeply connected to our community.

What I find most endearing about the Parent Association at CA is its inclusivity—it encompasses all of us, from those with a longstanding presence to those who have recently joined. There are numerous ways to engage within our campus community and beyond. We’d be thrilled to collaborate and interact with you, get to know you better, and nurture the culture and camaraderie that make Colorado Academy truly special.

Come, become involved, connect, reconnect, and be part of YOUR Parent Association.