–written with help of Renna Allan and Caroline Koclanes
Quel jour merveilleux! Today, after a hearty breakfast, we took the public bus and then walked nine blocks to the College Charles Garnier for our first day of French classes in Quebec City (by the way, the word “college” in French means “high school,” not “university”).
Our instructors, Michael and Danielle, were engaging, and made the lessons interactive with lots of games using French vocabulary. All of us will remember learning a bit of slang today: in Quebecois, “un chum” means “boyfriend” and “une blonde” means “girlfriend.”
After classes, we headed to the Galeries de la Capitole (the mall!) where we had fun ice skating and watching an IMAX movie in French. The quote of the day from one of the sixth graders who fell while ice skating: “This is good. I learn best when I make mistakes.” All in all, we were mentally and physically challenged today and will sleep well tonight.