Proud families snapped photos as the Colorado Academy Class of 2030 filed onto the stage of the Leach Center for the Performing Arts to begin the 2023 Fifth Grade Continuation Ceremony, marking their transition from the Lower School to Sixth Grade. Head of School Dr. Mike Davis and Lower School Principal Angie Crabtree addressed attendees.

“It’s been fantastic to see you grow into the thoughtful, caring, responsible classmates and leaders you are,” Davis told the students. “This is an incredible milestone for your development, and with it will come new challenges. You’ve grown accustomed to the halls and classrooms of the Lower School, but I know that you’re ready to move on. Your success in the Lower School created a strong foundation for you to tackle everything that comes your way.”
“The beauty of CA,” Davis continued, “is it’s a place where you can be the person you are, and feel safe in trying to understand the person you want to become. That freedom, independent spirit, and thirst for knowledge will take you far.”
When Crabtree spoke next, she took a moment to praise the Lower School faculty and staff, particularly the Fifth Grade team of Matt Lauer, Jessica Ohly, and Sara Wachtel.
“For anyone who’s ever introduced glitter into any kind of project, you know it gets everywhere,” she said. “It’s the same with kindness. It pours out of your soul, and it just continues to spread from person to person, a powerful, sparkling, wonderful thing. As Lower School faculty and Staff work each day, I see them shine just like beautiful, shiny glitter as they share kindness, engage in school life, work alongside students, and teach them new academic skills and life lessons.”

Turning her attention to the Fifth Graders on stage, Crabtree described this year’s Lower School read, The Word Collector, by Peter H. Reynolds. The book tells the story of Jerome, a young boy who discovers the magic of words. Throughout the school year, Crabtree recounted, she collected words to describe this year’s Fifth Grade class.
“As I witnessed you in a variety of situations at school, I collected the following words: supportive and kind, adventurous spirit, curious to make the world a better place, creating new traditions, mighty Mustang Mentors.”
Crabtree shared examples of how the students embodied each of these words and phrases: they were supportive and kind when helping an injured classmate on the soccer field; they demonstrated an adventurous spirit on their annual trip to the Crow Canyon Archeological Center; they used their curiosity to make the world a better place through their capstone Voices of Change projects; they created a new Lower School tradition in the Fifth Grade Carnival; and, of course, they built relationships with Pre-K students as Mustang Mentors.
“It’s been an honor and a privilege to collect words, stories, and memories about you this year,” Crabtree said.

The Fifth Graders then demonstrated another of their talents by performing the song “Granted,” by Josh Groban. “If you have a dream, go chase it,” they sang. “If you feel hope, don’t waste it. If you find love, embrace it. Never take a single breath for granted.”
After the Fifth Grade teachers presented tributes to each student individually, the Class of 2030 performed another song, “Count on Me,” by Bruno Mars, whose chorus goes, “We find out what we’re made of / when we are called to help our friends in need. / You can count on me like 1, 2, 3 / I’ll be there. / And I know when I need it / I can count on you like 4, 3, 2 / and you’ll be there. / Because that’s what friends are supposed to do.”

It was the perfect way to wrap up the 2023 Fifth Grade Continuation Ceremony. As families departed, students rushed to find their teachers and friends in the bright sunshine outside the Leach Center for a few last photos, hugs, and tears before saying goodbye as Lower School graduates and looking ahead to counting on each other in the fall.